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Lavabit: The secure email program owned by Ladar Levison that defied the FBI’s order to hand over Snowden’s emails

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News If you use one of Big Tech’s free email programs, such as Google’s Gmail, Yahoo, or Microsoft’s Hotmail, you are exposing your private communication to prying eyes, including the US government. As I wrote earlier, hosting your own domain name and having your own… Read More »Lavabit: The secure email program owned by Ladar Levison that defied the FBI’s order to hand over Snowden’s emails

Will America Fulfill It’s Destiny? Jesus Christ is the Only “Transhuman” the World Has Ever Seen or Will Ever See

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News As the year 2022 comes to a close, there can be little doubt that the United States is a nation in decline, in many ways. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the U.S. Government is not looking out for… Read More »Will America Fulfill It’s Destiny? Jesus Christ is the Only “Transhuman” the World Has Ever Seen or Will Ever See

Does the CIA have the technology to hack your car? The researcher reveals that the Google Home speakers could have been turned into wiretaps

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News In 2017, Wikileaks revealed that the CIA was working on ways to hack a vehicle’s control systems as early as 2014. See: DID THE CIA DO MICHAEL HASTINGS? WIKILEAKS REVEALS AGENCY’S COVERT CAPACITY TO ROUT CARS Other hackers have already done this, as… Read More »Does the CIA have the technology to hack your car? The researcher reveals that the Google Home speakers could have been turned into wiretaps

Protegir la vostra privadesa hauria de ser una alta prioritat el 2023: Compte amb Substack!

Font de la imatge. per Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News El MIT Technology Review va publicar recentment un article sobre com un robot aspirador de la sèrie Roomba J7 d’iRobot va fer fotos de persones dins de casa seva, en un cas una dona asseguda al vàter, i aquestes imatges… Read More »Protegir la vostra privadesa hauria de ser una alta prioritat el 2023: Compte amb Substack!

Judge Accepts $10 Million Settlement to End Class Action Against NorthShore by Workers Fired Over Religious Objections to Covid Vax Mandate

NorthShore University Health System, which operates six hospitals in Chicago and its northern suburbs, will pay more than $10 million to hundreds of workers who were fired or threatened with firing when the hospital refused to recognize his religious objections to the order to receive the hospital operator. a vaccine… Read More »Judge Accepts $10 Million Settlement to End Class Action Against NorthShore by Workers Fired Over Religious Objections to Covid Vax Mandate

Will 2023 be a “Tsunami of Regret”? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Predicts the Worst is Yet to Come with the Fallout from the COVID Shots

Comment by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is someone whose work we have featured here at Health Impact News for the past 11 years. She is a doctor of Osteopathy, and has been a fierce vaccine critic for decades now. Sherri is not one of these talking… Read More »Will 2023 be a “Tsunami of Regret”? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Predicts the Worst is Yet to Come with the Fallout from the COVID Shots

Hundreds of Thousands of Parents in the U.S. Having their Children Kidnapped by the State at a Rate that Doubled in 6 Years

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News ProPublica teamed up with NBC News to publish an investigation into families who lose their parental rights through the Child Welfare system and often never get their children back. The title of their report is: The “Death Penalty” of Child Welfare: In Six Months… Read More »Hundreds of Thousands of Parents in the U.S. Having their Children Kidnapped by the State at a Rate that Doubled in 6 Years

Elon Musk jugant al fons

Els problemes que envolten Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop encara són molt opacs i aparentment ennuvolats; tanmateix, sembla que hi ha una certa claredat en el funcionament general de la plataforma de xarxes socials. Potser, només potser, estem començant a entendre millor com s’estava gestionant l’operació de control de l’opinió pública.… Read More »Elon Musk jugant al fons

Watch as a Marine sniper takes on the Taliban with a Barrett M107 .50 caliber rifle

The United States Marines have a number of weapons at their disposal, but few are as deadly as the Barrett M107 .50 caliber sniper rifle. Capable of hitting targets from nearly 2,000 yards away, the Barrett M107 is an invaluable rifle that provides snipers with unprecedented accuracy from remarkable distances… Read More »Watch as a Marine sniper takes on the Taliban with a Barrett M107 .50 caliber rifle

Amazon’s Whole Foods is moving closer to the satanic merchant model of tagging and tracking each customer

He was given the power to breathe into the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also compelled all, young and old, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in the… Read More »Amazon’s Whole Foods is moving closer to the satanic merchant model of tagging and tracking each customer

Arizona judge rules against Kari Lake: multiple mistakes and electoral errors at the same time, but no irrefutable proof of intent

Yes, Judge Peter A Thompson has ruled from Arizona’s Maricopa Superior Court, that the success of Ms. Kari Lake’s lawsuit depended on her being able to prove malicious intent on behalf of the country’s election officials. [Read 10-page Ruling HERE] Maricopa County officials have denied malicious intent and are being… Read More »Arizona judge rules against Kari Lake: multiple mistakes and electoral errors at the same time, but no irrefutable proof of intent

The Birth of Jesus and The Satanic Jewish Conspiracy to Enslave Humanity

The massacre of the innocents – François-Joseph Navez, 1824. Source. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The western Christmas holiday is first and foremost a marketing bonanza to promote commercialism and retail sales, like most holidays. It is one of the religious holidays, designed to celebrate the birth of Jesus… Read More »The Birth of Jesus and The Satanic Jewish Conspiracy to Enslave Humanity

Changing the president won’t matter: who really runs this country?

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Catherine Austin Fitts is the editor of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing under President Bush. She was recently interviewed by Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. Greg Hunter is obviously a MAGA Trump supporter, and he made all the usual arguments… Read More »Changing the president won’t matter: who really runs this country?

Video – Anecdotes: A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.

A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate. While the vaccine debate is more divided, those who experience adverse reactions are caught in the middle. synopsis In March 2021, after receiving my Pfizer injection, I could not feel the left side of my face for a month. Eighteen months later,… Read More »Video – Anecdotes: A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.

Do You Really Have Nothing to Hide? The “Right to Remain Silent” Protects the Innocent

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The Bill of Rights contains the 5th Amendment, which is the right to remain silent. This is the one right that law enforcement hates, and the American public has been conditioned to believe over the years that this amendment is only for criminals… Read More »Do You Really Have Nothing to Hide? The “Right to Remain Silent” Protects the Innocent

Global investment giants BlackRock and Vanguard buy big stakes in local utilities in ‘Green Energy’ push

Once again, the Trump and Biden administrations have shown that the federal agencies originally established to protect American consumers are nothing more than conduits for deep state control, so it is vitally important that more states begin to avoid any federal control. During the last two administrations, two of the… Read More »Global investment giants BlackRock and Vanguard buy big stakes in local utilities in ‘Green Energy’ push

Tucker Carlson calls out the hubris and arrogance of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Washington DC today to visit the White House and deliver a speech before a joint session of Congress. Dressed in his usual casual attire, Zelenskyy demanded that representatives of the American people adhere to his demands and provide more taxpayer funding regardless of public opinion. Tucker… Read More »Tucker Carlson calls out the hubris and arrogance of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

US spy company can track cryptocurrency users – offers its services to the highest bidder

SHADOWY US SPY COMPANY PROMISES TO MONITOR CRYPTO USERS FOR THE HIGHEST OFFER by KIT KLARENBERGMintPress News Excerpts: Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services around the world can trace cryptocurrency transactions to their source and thereby identify users by tracking smartphone movements. smart devices and Internet of… Read More »US spy company can track cryptocurrency users – offers its services to the highest bidder

NFL Legend Franco Harris Dies Suddenly: He Was CDC Spokesman For COVID ‘Vaccines’

Pittsburgh Steeler NFL legend and Hall of Fame running back Franco Harris died suddenly today, just days before he was to be honored by the Pittsburgh Steelers and have his jersey number retired. Franco Harris passed away suddenly on Tuesday, and here we are to remember his legacy and what… Read More »NFL Legend Franco Harris Dies Suddenly: He Was CDC Spokesman For COVID ‘Vaccines’

Health Impact News Leaves All Social Media – Sorry Trolls!

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Health Impact News received notice this week that our Twitter account has been reinstated: From: “Twitter Support” In: “Health Impact News”Sent: 16/12/2022 10:30:12Subject: A Twitter message Hello, We are writing to let you know that we have unsuspended your account as part of our… Read More »Health Impact News Leaves All Social Media – Sorry Trolls!
