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Neocon Queen Of Darkness Asks US To Bomb Russian Targets Inside Russia

Neocon Queen Of Darkness Asks US To Bomb Russian Targets Inside Russia" title="Neocon Queen Of Darkness Asks US To Bomb Russian Targets Inside Russia" onerror="this.src=''; jQuery(this).removeAttr('srcset');"/>

Former State Department official Victoria Nuland is back and joining the Ukrainian government's stepped-up efforts to convince Western allies, including the United States, to deepen their involvement in the war with Russia.

Nuland said in a recent appearance on ABC News that the Biden administration should allow Ukrainian forces to launch strikes directly into Russian territory with US-supplied missiles and weapons systems. “They have to be able to stop these Russian attacks that are coming from bases inside Russia,” he said in the interview on Sunday. “The United States and our allies should give them more help to hit Russian bases, which we have not been willing to do so far.”

These bases should be fair gamewhether it's where missiles are being launched from or where the troops are being supplied from,” Nuland continued.

Zelensky's government has been desperate lately as Ukraine's front lines are being rapidly decimated in the Kharkiv region. Moscow's new offensive there is aimed at pushing back the Ukrainian border significantly, in order to create a buffer zone to prevent cross-border shelling of Russian cities, especially Belgorod.

Nuland stated that Russia's goal in Kharkiv is to “decimate [the city] without ever having to put a boot on the ground” and also the Russian forces “they flattened a third of Kharkov” now.

He went on to argue in the interview that under such dire conditions, direct attacks on Russian bases with Western weapons systems should not ultimately be seen as an escalation.

But Russia announced weeks ago that it would keep it nuclear drills with strategic forces. This week appears to be the start of these exercises, clearly as a clear and strong warning signaled directly to NATO.

via CNN

As for Nuland's new statements, independent journalist Michael Tracey has summed up his position best saying

Queen of Darkness Victoria Nuland is backdemanding that the United States openly facilitate Ukrainian attacks against targets inside Russia, something the Biden Administration had previously insisted would never happen. A once unfathomable climb that now barely raises an eyebrow.”



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