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Illinois Democrats want to redefine criminals in “Satire is now reality” like Bill [VIDEO]

Illinois Democrats want to redefine criminals in “Satire is now reality” like Bill [VIDEO]

In an effort to alter the language used to describe people involved in criminal activity, Democratic lawmakers in the state of Illinois are attempting to revise a 2009 bill, as reported. Fox News Wednesday. House Bill 4409, spearheaded by several Democrats, aims to amend the Illinois Crime Reduction Act by replacing the term “offenders” with “persons affected by justice.”

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In addition, the proposed amendment calls for the inclusion of new members on the Illinois Adult Reassignment Oversight Board from agencies such as the Illinois Department of Corrections, the Illinois Department of Human Services and the departments of adult probation in Sangamon and Cook counties. The board would also welcome two members with personal experience in the Adults Redeploy Illinois system, according to the Fox article.

This legislative development comes against the backdrop of Illinois being governed by Governor JB Pritzker (D), who is up for re-election in 2022, as Breitbart News highlighted. In particular, Pritzker has faced criticism for his lenient approach to crime policies.

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Also, Illinois made history by becoming the inaugural state in the country to abolish cash bail in September. The proposed reclassification of certain people as “justice-affected individuals” prompted state Sen. Steve McClure (R) to express concern, as quoted by the Washington Examiner. McClure emphasized the importance of holding people accountable for their actions, stating, “There seems to be this rush to take all responsibility away from people who commit crimes.”

He continued: “If a person is on the right path, they must know that they have done something wrong. This apology for the criminal, the person who chooses to commit crimes to the detriment of our victims, the people who do not choose to be victims of crime , it's absolutely incredible.”

The bill has co-sponsored Democratic Illinois State Representatives Kelly M. Cassidy and Lindsey LaPointe, as well as Democratic State Senators Robert Peters, Mike Simmons and Adriane Johnson, according to Fox News. Recently moving through the state House and Senate, the proposed legislation could affect about 1,800 felons in Illinois.

In response to the bill, McClure expressed concern about the priority of criminals over victims, stating, “Change this, change that. The only thing you don't want to change is the behavior of criminals. And guess who's paying for it now same? Victims in this whole state I ask for a vote against.”

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