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Vaccine Insanity

National biometric digital IDs are coming soon to pave the way for central bank digital currencies

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Imagine a world where you can’t buy anything in a retail store, online, or access the cash in your bank account unless you first use your mobile phone to scan your face to prove your identity. You’re sure your face image is “safe” and… Leer más »National biometric digital IDs are coming soon to pave the way for central bank digital currencies

Get Out Now While You Still Can

The Coming Crisis of Cities: Reinvention or Bankruptcy by Charles Hugh Smithof two The human population has become increasingly urbanized for compelling reasons that have been in play since cities were founded thousands of years ago. In a nutshell, cities offer greater economic / social opportunities and more novelty, variety… Leer más »Get Out Now While You Still Can

I can Do All Things Through the One who Strengthens Me – The Story of a Remarkable Father and His Handicapped Son

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Rick Hoyt, who became a national symbol of hope and inspiration to millions, died a few weeks ago due to complications with his respiratory system, as he had cerebral palsy, which left him a quadriplegic when he was born. His father, Dick Hoyt, and… Leer más »I can Do All Things Through the One who Strengthens Me – The Story of a Remarkable Father and His Handicapped Son

A whistleblower claims the IceCube lab in Antarctica has energy weapons that can cause earthquakes

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is located at the South Pole, which searches for subatomic particles called “neutrinos”. It is managed by an international group of scientists, made up of approximately 300 physicists from 58 institutions in 14 countries called the IceCube Collaboration. The IceCube… Leer más »A whistleblower claims the IceCube lab in Antarctica has energy weapons that can cause earthquakes

Imminent cyber attacks on European banks and a threatened nuclear conflict over Ukraine

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News US corporate media reported today that the US Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) informed CNN that a global cyber attack has targeted several US federal government agencies. US government agencies breached a global cyber attack incident This morning, the US Cybersecurity and… Leer más »Imminent cyber attacks on European banks and a threatened nuclear conflict over Ukraine

The US government is bypassing the Fourth Amendment by buying your personal information from ‘data brokers’

USA: Yes, we’re buying your data, including your embarrassing secrets Digital information can be bought from commercial data brokers and “de-anonymized” to identify the person to whom it is linked, including US citizens, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence says. for Miquel Excerpts: The United States has… Leer más »The US government is bypassing the Fourth Amendment by buying your personal information from ‘data brokers’

A young mother is suing the corrupt Baltimore County social services that kidnapped her daughter, but she needs your help

Iris is now back with her family, and her mother, Jennifer Guskin, has sued the government agents responsible for illegally abducting her daughter as a child. Photograph provided by the family. for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Last month we introduced our readers to Jennifer Guskin, who was sexually abused… Leer más »A young mother is suing the corrupt Baltimore County social services that kidnapped her daughter, but she needs your help

Amazon and Starbucks Sued for Collecting, Retaining, Storing, Converting, Using, Sharing and Profiting from Palm Scans

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Several New York consumers have sued and Starbucks over the unauthorized use of their palm scans. Plaintiffs bring this action for damages and other legal and equitable remedies arising from the unlawful actions of Amazon and Starbucks to collect, retain, store, convert,… Leer más »Amazon and Starbucks Sued for Collecting, Retaining, Storing, Converting, Using, Sharing and Profiting from Palm Scans

Wildfires that are not natural: a product of the geoengineering agenda

Unnatural wildfires in California. Images from the YouTube video here. Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Evidence is mounting that wildfires in Canada are not natural, but part of a geoengineering agenda. Here are two videos that will help the public understand how these wildfires in Canada are not… Leer más »Wildfires that are not natural: a product of the geoengineering agenda

250 fires ‘out of control’ now in Canada – plans to move people from the country to cities 15 minutes away?

Smoke from Canadian forest fires has been detected in Norway. Source of the image. for Kyle BeckerBecker News Massive wildfires have spread rapidly across the Canadian province of Quebec, fueled by hot, dry weather conditions and multiple lightning strikes. The number of fires rose from 36 to more than 100… Leer más »250 fires ‘out of control’ now in Canada – plans to move people from the country to cities 15 minutes away?

Arizona Wants Immunity for Social Workers Who Allowed Child Sex Abuser to Remain a Licensed Foster Parent to Sexually Traffick Children

Foster and adopted children sexually abused by David Frodsham. Trever Frodsham (left), Devani (center), and Ryan Frodsham (right). by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News One of the most horrific stories Health Impact News has ever covered involving child sex trafficking through the foster care system is a story we have… Leer más »Arizona Wants Immunity for Social Workers Who Allowed Child Sex Abuser to Remain a Licensed Foster Parent to Sexually Traffick Children

OpenAI Hit With First Defamation Suit Over ChatGPT “Hallucination” – Exposing the Real Dangers of AI

Image source. Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News AI chat programs have become such a huge part of the online culture so quickly, that many people are still fooled by its infancy and limitations, even though the owners of these AI programs have been very clear to warn the… Leer más »OpenAI Hit With First Defamation Suit Over ChatGPT “Hallucination” – Exposing the Real Dangers of AI

The US has long supported Nazi collaborators in Ukraine

Neo-Nazi symbols of Ukrainian troops “cannot be divorced” from their origin for Fantine GardinierSputnik International Excerpts: After Russia launched its special operation in February 2022, Western media that had readily called out Ukrainian nationalist groups as neo-Nazis were quick to sound the alarm, insisting that the Azov Battalion and others… Leer más »The US has long supported Nazi collaborators in Ukraine

Are Canadian wildfires caused by energy weapons? Are there “UFOs” behind this?

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News A video released today by Greg Reese shows dramatic satellite images that suggest wildfires in Canada that are affecting more than 100 million people in 18 US states and closing major airports due to heavy smoke all started almost simultaneously. Here is the video:… Leer más »Are Canadian wildfires caused by energy weapons? Are there “UFOs” behind this?

NYT Admits US Is Spending Billions of Dollars on Ukraine War to Support Nazis

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Russian media have been reporting for years that Ukraine’s military is Nazis. Now, almost a decade later, America’s corporate media is finally admitting that this is true. Journalists Ask Ukrainian Soldiers to Hide Nazi Patches, NYT Admits by ZeroHedge News The New York… Leer más »NYT Admits US Is Spending Billions of Dollars on Ukraine War to Support Nazis

Air Force Colonel Caught Lying about Rogue AI Killing Human Operator

Original Image Source. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News During the Plandemic, the Alternative Media was the place to go to find alternatives to the corporate media propaganda about the killer COVID-19 “virus” and the clot shots called “vaccines.” The Alternative Media was publishing the truth most of the time… Leer más »Air Force Colonel Caught Lying about Rogue AI Killing Human Operator

Trump owns shares of Pfizer and pharmaceutical companies that produce gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers

Original image source. Trump has promised to ban child gender transitions, but owns shares in the big pharmaceutical companies he has vowed to investigate for “illegally marketing” hormone therapies and puberty blockers. by MORGAN PHILLIPSdaily mail Excerpts: Even after he vowed to go after Big Pharma for pushing these drugs… Leer más »Trump owns shares of Pfizer and pharmaceutical companies that produce gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers

Preparant l’escenari per a les fallides bancàries i el desplegament de FedNow? El govern dels EUA adverteix als consumidors que no guardin diners a Venmo, CashApp i PayPal

per Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News L’Oficina de Protecció Financera del Consumidor (CFPB) va publicar una advertència als consumidors la setmana passada en què afirmava que els fons que es mantenen en aplicacions de pagament en línia populars, com Paypal, Cash App i Venmo, no tenen assegurança FDIC i s’han… Leer más »Preparant l’escenari per a les fallides bancàries i el desplegament de FedNow? El govern dels EUA adverteix als consumidors que no guardin diners a Venmo, CashApp i PayPal

Amazon will pay $5.8 million to spy on customers through its ring cameras

Amazon will pay $5.8 million to spy on customers through its ring cameras Employees, contractors and hackers illegally watched videos of Ring customers. for Matthew Excerpts: Amazon agreed to pay a $5.8 million settlement after the Federal Trade Commission found it was illegally spying on customers and failed to… Leer más »Amazon will pay $5.8 million to spy on customers through its ring cameras

Apple files more patents on biometric IDs: Is the iPhone now the baddest device on the planet?

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Apple’s iPhone is currently used by more than 120 million people in the US, capturing nearly 50% of the mobile smartphone market. (Source.) Worldwide, about 1 billion people use Apple iPhones. (Source.) If you own an Apple iPhone, do you have any idea how… Leer más »Apple files more patents on biometric IDs: Is the iPhone now the baddest device on the planet?

Amazon Sidewalk Joins the Helium Network to Connect All Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Image source. Communism: A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. (Source.) by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Big Tech Communism has arrived in the United States, as the U.S. has now surpassed China and… Leer más »Amazon Sidewalk Joins the Helium Network to Connect All Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

es_VEEspañol de Venezuela