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Bobby Kennedy pays Donald huge compliment — ‘Trump is most devastating debater since Lincoln’ – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Bobby Kennedy pays Donald huge compliment — ‘Trump is most devastating debater since Lincoln’ – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

He has a condition that affects his vocal cords. I can’t be specific because I don’t know what it is, but he is doing a miraculous job of speaking at all. I was a college student when JFK was killed, and a young pregnant wife when Bobby was killed. it was devastating for our age group, despite politics. His authenticity and scholarly
research and ability to express himself so well, really shows up the present day buffoons who have us so used to lies and word salad that we can’t even tell what they are saying. This is an educated man who knows about real life and I believe can be trusted when he says something. looking at those old black and white photos of truly accomplished people remind me of the old standards of dignity and scholarship and fear of being thought to be a liar. Joe Biden was just getting his life as a con artist started, and reeked of corruption from day one. Both men have a history and a reputation. I’ll take RFK, Jr. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. I hate the climate garbage, but I feel certain this man, JFK,Jr. LOVES HIS COUNTRY. BTW, I’m a 100% Trump supporter and voter, and that will never change, while I’m breathing!

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