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Trump swipes at DeSantis over Florida governor’s response to potential indictment

Good evening, America. It seems that former President Donald Trump is yet again making waves, this time taking a swipe at Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida. Trump has recently criticized DeSantis for his response to a potential indictment he may face. The former President took to his preferred medium, Twitter, to air his grievances, stating, “DeSantis is no better than the radical left Democrats who are trying to take me down,” in reference to the ongoing investigation into Trump’s business dealings.

Many Republicans are left scratching their heads, wondering what Trump hopes to accomplish by attacking a fellow Republican. Governor DeSantis has been a vocal supporter of Trump throughout the years, which makes this criticism all the more puzzling. Some speculate that Trump may be trying to assert his dominance over the party, or that he may be feeling threatened by DeSantis’ rising popularity within the GOP. Regardless of the motivation, it is clear that Trump’s criticism has caused a rift within the party.

While this drama plays out, it is important to remember the many accomplishments of the Trump administration. Under his leadership, the economy saw record job growth, tax cuts for middle-class Americans, and historic peace deals in the Middle East. The Trump administration also made strides in securing our borders, with record numbers of illegal immigrants being deported and the construction of a border wall. These accomplishments are a testament to the success of the Trump White House, and it is important to remember them as we navigate these turbulent times.

In conclusion, it is unfortunate to see the former President attacking fellow Republicans, especially those who have been staunch supporters in the past. However, we must not lose sight of the tremendous accomplishments of the Trump White House. As we move forward, we must continue to work together as a united party, and focus on the issues that matter most to the American people.

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