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The Biden regime isn’t just coming for your gas stoves

The Biden regime isn’t just coming for your gas stoves

White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre on Monday defended the Biden administration’s proposed regulation of home appliances. These proposed regulations have been met with backlash from critics who believe they will ultimately require Americans to replace many of their existing appliances.

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In response to a reporter’s question about the extent to which these regulations will affect home appliances, including gas stoves, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters, Jean Pierre clarified that these proposed regulations are intended to save consumers money.

Referring specifically to the water heater regulations, Jean Pierre said, “To be clear, when it comes to water heaters, and it is, what’s proposed is proposed. And if enacted, it wouldn’t go into effect until 2029. So let’s not forget that.”

According to Jean Pierre, the delayed enactment of these regulations will give enough time for consumers to adapt, and the benefit will be significant. “If and when enacted, it will help consumers save about $11 billion a year,” he said.

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The press secretary tied the appliance regulations to the Biden administration’s broader goal of reducing costs for the American people, citing the Inflation Reduction Act as an example. “That’s why the Inflation Reduction Act is so important, right, because it’s going to provide up to $2,000 in credit, energy-wise,” he added.

Despite the criticism, Jean Pierre reiterated that the proposed regulations are not intended to burden Americans but to contribute to long-term cost savings. She emphasized, “But again, if enacted, it wouldn’t be enacted until 2029. And when it is enacted and if enacted to add to it, consumers would save $11 billion a year.”

It remains to be seen how these regulatory proposals will play out in practice and whether the claimed savings will materialize for American consumers. However, Jean Pierre’s comments make it clear that the Biden administration is committed to moving forward with its agenda to regulate home appliances as part of its broader strategy to combat climate change and lower energy costs.

Did you notice where KJP said, “This is why the Inflation Reduction Act is so important…”? Well, here’s what Arizona Rep. David Schweikert had to say about what The Wall Street Journal had to say about the Inflation Reduction Act…

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