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Pope Francis affirms the Church’s openness to the LGBT community

Pope Francis reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s inclusive approach to everyone, including the LGBT community, during his flight back to Rome from Portugal. He emphasized that the duty of the Church is to accompany all people on their personal spiritual journey respecting the framework of the established norms.

In good spirits and healthy after his abdominal hernia surgery in June, the 86-year-old pontiff chatted with reporters during a press conference on the plane. Answering questions, he acknowledged the Church’s openness to everyone but clarified that certain laws govern life within its institution.

Although the Church does not allow women to become priests and same-sex couples cannot participate in sacraments such as marriage, Pope Francis stressed that the Church remains open to all people who seek their connection spiritual with God. He emphasized the role of ministers to accompany and support all members, even those whose lives may not fully conform to traditional teachings.

Pope Francis’ papacy has seen efforts to make the Church more welcoming and compassionate, especially toward the LGBT community, while maintaining core doctrines on chastity and same-sex acts. He supports civil legislation that grants rights to same-sex couples while upholding the Church’s teachings on same-sex attraction.

During his visit to Portugal on the occasion of the Catholic festival of World Youth Day, Pope Francis reiterated that the Church has a place for everyone, recognizing human fallibility and asking for compassion for all. He remains committed to reforms, including increasing the roles of women in Vatican positions, striking a delicate balance between liberal beliefs and conservative values.

The rejuvenation and joy of the Pope for the feast in Portugal, witness to the unity and size of the faithful, were evident in his statements. As he continues to foster an inclusive and compassionate Church, Pope Francis’ leadership seeks to overcome divisions and embrace diversity within the community of believers.

This article is sourced from and written by AI.

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