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Pence’s testimony in Trump’s J6 case could turn the case in Donald’s favor [VIDEO]

Pence’s testimony in Trump’s J6 case could turn the case in Donald’s favor [VIDEO]

In a recent exchange on ABC, Trump attorney John Lauro offered insight into the defense’s strategy surrounding the legal battles involving former President Donald Trump. Lauro testified that former Vice President Mike Pence could become a key witness in the trial.

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According to Lauro, Pence’s recent book provides essential details that could work in Trump’s favor. “Mike Pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial,” Lauro stated emphatically. He went on to highlight two main reasons from Pence’s book that could lean toward Trump’s acquittal:

  1. Pence acknowledged the legal advice given by John Eastman, a well-respected legal scholar.
  2. Pence was aware of the inconsistencies and possible fraud during the election and wanted a debate on these matters on Capitol Hill.

Lauro emphasized the distinction between what the former vice president considered “wrong” and “criminal.” He noted that while Pence may have believed Trump’s actions were inappropriate under constitutional principles, he never called them “criminal.”

In response, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos noted that Pence has consistently claimed that Trump’s actions were wrong. He commented, “Mike Pence has been saying all this week that what President Trump did was wrong, and he knew it was wrong.”

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Lauro refuted this claim by emphasizing the importance of the word choice: “He never said it was criminal.” He went on to mention the nature of White House meetings, where numerous options are often deliberated. Lauro noted that Trump’s final request during his speech was simply to delay the vote, allowing state legislatures more control over the process.

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