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Obama Warns About ‘Dirty Sewage’ Of Disinformation: Ignore Democrats’ Garbage

Obama Warns About ‘Dirty Sewage’ Of Disinformation: Ignore Democrats’ Garbage

In the wake of the “Twitter Archives,” we revisit former President Barack Obama’s warning last April about the spread of misinformation: “All you have to do is flood a country’s public square with enough dirty sewage. All you have to do is raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theories that citizens no longer know what to believe.”

Does “filthy sewage” include when Obama falsely said, “Cambridge police acted stupidly”? that “If I had a son, I’d look like Trayvon”; and that racism in America is “still part of our DNA that is passed down”?

Does dirty sewage include the part of Obama’s speech to the United Nations when he invoked the Ferguson lie? and when Obama embraced Black Lives Matter, a group based on the lie that the police engage in systemic racism against black people? BLM, after the death of George Floyd, encouraged four months of deadly and violent protests even as the lead prosecutor, a black man, said in his opening statement that neither the police nor Minneapolis police in general were on trial . He never argued that the officer’s defendant treated Floyd unlawfully because of Floyd’s race, and the officer was never charged with a hate crime.

The dirty sewage includes President Joe Biden, who, on Charlottesville, insists that then-President Donald Trump “said there were ‘some very good people on both sides'” of the violent and deadly 2017 standoff, even though Was Trump referring to the debate over Confederate monuments in the public square?

Does the dirty sewage include Hillary Clinton and the late Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., who called Trump’s presidency “illegitimate”? when Democratic House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., called Trump’s “so-called election victory” a “hoax”; when Jimmy Carter said Trump “was put in office” because of Russia; and when Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claims she lost because of “voter suppression? Yet the media never accused these Democrats of promoting “The Big Lie.”

Does the dirty sewage include Clinton claiming that Trump, on COVID-19, told people to “drink bleach”? when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insists the southern border is “secure”; and when Democrats say the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling “bans abortion,” even though it puts the issue back in the states?

Raw Sewage includes many false claims by Biden, including: That he “had the great honor of being arrested” in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela? that he “was raised in the black church”; that he was involved in the desegregation of restaurants and movie theaters; that his son Beau “died in Iraq”; that his first wife and daughter were killed by a driver “who drank his lunch”; and that Georgia’s new voting law “makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle”; but Georgians voted in record numbers?

Dirty Sewage includes more than 50 “former senior intelligence officials” who, days before the 2020 election, claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story had “all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation operation “? that Trump “colluded with Russia” to win the 2016 election; and that on January 6, 2021, Trump committed an “insurrection”?

Does the dirty sewage include the claim that Trump was the first to push the “racist (birther) lie” about Obama, when Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign started it?

Dirty sewage includes Obama’s claim that his administration “had no major scandals”? Never mind the unsecured server in Clinton’s basement to which Clinton was sending and receiving classified information in clear violation of the Espionage Act. However, FBI chief James Comey said he “did not intend” to break the Espionage Act, although no intent is required.

Does the dirty sewage include the standard Democrat narrative that “the rich don’t pay their fair share” in taxes, even though the top 1% pay 40% of federal income taxes?

Dirty sewage includes Al Gore’s 2006 prediction: “If drastic action is not taken to reduce greenhouse gases in the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return”?

Does the dirty sewage include Attorney General Eric Holder referring to voter ID as “pernicious” racism, even though a majority of blacks support voter ID? when Biden called MAGA Republicans “semi-fascists”; and when Clinton called half of Trump’s supporters “deplorable” and “irredeemable”?

In the wake of the “Twitter Archives,” we revisit former President Barack Obama’s warning last April about the spread of misinformation: “All you have to do is flood a country’s public square with enough dirty sewage. You just have to of raising enough questions, spreading enough dirt, planting enough conspiracy theories that citizens no longer know what to do. […]

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