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Multi-Award Winning Lawyer on Shen Yun

Multi-Award Winning Lawyer on Shen Yun

SYDNEY, Australia—”It’s a fantastic show, I would certainly recommend anyone to go,” said Pallavi Sinha, who saw Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time on Saturday evening, May 6.

Event venue Sydney Lyric Theatre reported a full house for the performance.

Ms. Sinha, a multi-award winning lawyer, said she was impressed by the overall synergy of all the production elements.

“We can see there’s been so much effort and care taken with all the detail, with the dance steps, with the elegant outfits, the majestic backdrops. So many features of this production are worthwhile and make it enjoyable to watch,” she said.

“It’s the combination of all the things … the beautiful costumes, the fantastic dancing, the backdrops, the special effects, everything.”

Shen Yun, based in New York, each year premieres a brand-new performance, complete with new works of orchestral music, costumes, choreography, digital backdrop designs, and stories from China’s rich 5,000-year history to feature.

The words “Shen Yun” means “the beauty of divine beings dancing.” Since 2006, Shen Yun artists have traveled the globe to showcase the depth and grandeur of a culture that once thrived in China but was once on the brink of utter destruction due to communism.

Ms. Sinha said she believes what Shen Yun is doing is “really important.”

“For people to know the truth and to know about history, to see it in such a beautiful way, is very important. It’s significant,” she said.

The digital backdrop “makes it so much more enjoyable [and] entertaining,” she said, referring to Shen Yun’s patented feature that extends the stage into the boundless realm of animation in a way that is interactive with the live performers, giving the audience an immersive experience.

“Especially when the characters immerse into the backdrop, that’s beautiful to watch,” Ms. Sinha said.

“I definitely would love to see something like this again. … I’d certainly encourage others to go.”

‘Very Positive and Upbeat Attitude’

Benjamin Pike had tickets to see Shen Yun four years ago but his plans were disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. “We’ve been trying to come since COVID,” he said.

“[Shen Yun] was in town again. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow so we thought we’d all come out and have a show and dinner together,” Mr. Pike shared.

Benjamin Pike enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Sydney Lyric Theatre in Sydney, Australia, on May 6, 2023. (Beatrice Lee/The Epoch Times)

He said Shen Yun “has a very positive and upbeat attitude.”

“It kind of gives me hope and it gives me a warm feeling. It makes you feel good. It’s fun. I’m enjoying it a lot more than I thought. It’s fun. It’s very fun.”

Shen Yun’s hallmark is classical Chinese dance, an ancient art form that has evolved over thousands of years. Next to ballet, it is one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.

The dance form can vividly depict a wide range of emotions and portray any of humanity’s cherished virtues—righteousness, loyalty, benevolence, and tolerance. These universal values are imbued in Shen Yun‘s performance.

Such positive values should be emphasized in the world “much more often,” Mr. Pike said. “Because I think the world is going a little bit too self-centred and a little bit away from real connection, and everyone’s a bit online and selfish, not looking to other people for guidance, sticking to their own laneways and their own paths and getting stuck a little bit.

“I feel like the way forward is through other people and community.”

Mr. Pike said society can benefit from Shen Yun “a hundred percent.”

“I think anything that shows peace and love between human beings is going to benefit everybody, if you feel it here, you know what I mean? Because you all just need to get along and understand each other a bit better, and less judgement and looking after yourself and more thinking about the other people around you.”

“I’m absolutely going to tell a bunch of people at work, ‘If you get a chance, please come and see it.’

“It’s definitely worth it. Definitely.”

Reporting by NTD, Beatrice Lee, and Mimi Nguyen Ly.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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