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Migrants thank Biden after illegally crossing southern border |

As the Biden administration publicly denies that the southern border is wide open, illegal immigrants are openly thanking Joe Biden.

In Arizona, at an overflowing section of the southern border, one of the countless people who entered the United States illegally, this one from Morocco, expressed gratitude to Biden, hoping to be released into the country. “I love you Joe Biden, thanks for everything, Joe Biden!” the migrant told a Fox News reporter. “I'm a good person, I want to be a good person here in America,” he added.

There were more than 2.4 million arrests of illegals (an indicator of illegal crossings) in fiscal year 2023, a record that broke the last record set just the year before.

And it's all by design, starting from day one of the Biden presidency and continuing to this day.

It was just this past August that we learned the Biden administration was quietly taking action against parts of the border wall to slow rebuilding efforts. The previous year, Biden's former border security chief, Rodney Scott, revealed that the US was paying 5 million dollars a day *not* building the border wall; “He [Biden] he clearly understands and knows how to control the border and what needs to happen…For a while, it was almost five million a day between DoD and DHS to not build the border wall.” That same year, Democrats sought almost $1 billion for border security in the Middle East.Also, the aid sent to Ukraine in its war against Russia so far could have paid for a full border wall four to five times over, depending on the 'estimate you look at.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking by Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry i The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside George Soros' Secret Network

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