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Mexico City Airport Seized by Armed Forces, Military Planning to Take Nearly a Dozen More

Mexico City Airport Seized by Armed Forces, Military Planning to Take Nearly a Dozen More

Title: Mexico City Airport Seized by Armed Forces: Military Planning to Take Nearly a Dozen More


In a bold move aimed at combating criminal activities in Mexico, the armed forces have recently seized control of the Mexico City airport. This unprecedented measure has shocked the nation, with the military now revealing plans to take over nearly a dozen more airports across the country. While the decision has ignited fierce debates regarding the military’s role in civilian affairs, proponents argue for the urgency to address the rampant crime plaguing Mexico.

The Mexico City Airport Takeover

The Mexico City International Airport, also known as Benito Juarez International Airport, fell under the control of the military in a surprise operation. The armed forces, including the Army and the newly-formed National Guard, deployed troops to secure the airport’s premises. This move marks a significant departure from the standard practice of civilian authorities handling airport security.

Justifying the Seizure

Mexico has been grappling with escalating levels of violence and criminal activities, primarily driven by drug cartels. The military takeover of the airport is a direct response to this situation. The military’s involvement is justified by citing the airport’s strategic role as a hub for drug trafficking and other illicit activities. The military aims to crack down on these criminal networks that have long exploited Mexico’s airports for their operations.

Expanding the Strategy

Following the success of the Mexico City airport operation, military authorities have revealed plans to take control of approximately eleven more airports scattered across the country. While the specific locations have not been disclosed, it is clear that these selected airports are believed to play a pivotal role in facilitating criminal activities.

Controversial Move Sparks Debate

The military’s decision to seize civilian infrastructure has sparked a heated national debate. Critics argue that this move reflects an alarming militarization of civilian spaces, potentially infringing on civil liberties and undermining the authority of civilian authorities. Critics also express concern about the military’s historical record of human rights abuses, raising apprehensions about the impact this might have on local communities.

Proponents of the military takeover argue that drastic measures are necessary to restore law and order in Mexico. They contend that civilian authorities have been unable to effectively combat the criminal networks that have infiltrated key areas of society. The military’s involvement, they claim, is an emergency response vital for the safety and security of the nation.

The Way Forward

The military’s intervention in Mexico’s civilian affairs highlights the severity of the challenges faced by the country. Mexico has long struggled to curtail the influence of powerful drug cartels, reinforcing the need for immediate and decisive action. However, concerns surrounding human rights violations, potential abuse of power, and the long-term implications of military control cannot be overlooked.

Moving forward, it is crucial to strike a balance between providing the armed forces with the tools and authority necessary to combat criminal elements while upholding the principles of democracy and civilian rule. A transparent and supportive approach, involving civilian oversight and accountability mechanisms, must be in place to prevent any abuse of power and ensure the protection of individual rights.


The seizure of the Mexico City airport by the armed forces and the military’s plans to take over additional airports mark a significant milestone in Mexico’s fight against crime and drug cartels. The move, while controversial, reflects the state’s determination to confront the deep-rooted issues that threaten the nation’s stability. The path ahead requires delicate navigation between ensuring public safety and preserving democratic values, while fostering collaboration between the military and civilian authorities to achieve a safer Mexico for all.

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