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Like gas station sushi – AMLO tells Americans Mexico is ‘safe’, despite kidnappings and murders – The Donald – America First

Like gas station sushi – AMLO tells Americans Mexico is ‘safe’, despite kidnappings and murders – The Donald – America First

From the article:

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known as AMLO, emphasized during a press conference Monday that the growing number of Americans choosing to visit or live in cities like Cancun and Mexico City validates his perception that Mexico is a “safe” country.

According to AMLO, Americans have been flooding Mexico City and their presence has been associated with increased shelter inflation.

He also noted that the number of tourists visiting Cancun is skyrocketing, which he believes is evidence that negative reports about the country’s safety are unfounded and the product of “malicious media manipulation.”

The Mexican president added that the states of Campeche and Yucatan are safe to travel to, despite the US government saying otherwise.

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