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Is NYC District Attorney Prepping the Jeffrey Epstein Suite at Rikers for Re-Elect Trump HQ?

Welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight, I’m your host, Tucker Carlson. In tonight’s broadcast, we’ll be discussing the latest scandal brewing in the Big Apple.

It seems the Democrat-run New York City District Attorney’s office is up to their old tricks again. Rumors have been circulating that they are prepping the infamous Jeffrey Epstein Suite at Rikers Island to be used as the headquarters for the re-election campaign of President Donald Trump. The suite, which housed the disgraced financier and alleged sex trafficker, has been the center of controversy ever since Epstein’s death in August of 2019.

This is just the latest ploy by the left to sabotage Trump’s campaign. It’s clear they have no interest in a fair and just election. They’d rather stoop to the lowest levels of smear tactics to try to win. But I’ve got news for them – the American people are smarter than that.

The Democrats need to stop trying to bring down our president and start focusing on the issues that matter to the American people. Thanks to the Trump White House, we’ve seen an unprecedented economic boom, with record low unemployment rates and significant job growth. The administration has also pushed for criminal justice reform, which has resulted in the release of many unjustly incarcerated people.

In addition, President Trump has taken a strong stance against illegal immigration, making our nation safer and stronger. He’s also implemented pro-life policies, protecting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

Unlike the Democrats, who want to destroy our country with their radical socialist agenda, President Trump is putting America first. So let’s stop with the distractions and focus on what really matters – making America great again.

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