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Yuma PD Body Cam Reveals Tense Moments That Led To Officer Involved Shooting [VIDEOS]

Yuma PD Body Cam Reveals Tense Moments That Led To Officer Involved Shooting [VIDEOS]

Yuma, Arizona – The Yuma Police Department faced criticism after releasing edited body camera footage showing an officer opening fire on a 29-year-old man armed with a knife on April 12, 2024.

The incident unfolded after concerned neighbors reported a neighbor making threats with a knife in the Magnolia Avenue neighborhood. The 911 caller noted the suspect's history of mental illness and previous encounters with law enforcement. Responding to the call, officers arrived at the scene to calm the situation.

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Newly obtained body camera video captured the tense moments leading up to the shooting. Officers repeatedly pleaded with the suspect, later identified as Steve, to drop the knife. “Look, we just want to talk to you, man. Dude, put the knife down. Steve, we're just trying to find out what happened,” an officer calmly requested.

Ignoring his orders, Steve continued walking. In an attempt to detain him, an officer deployed a Taser. However, the attempt was ineffective as Steve persevered and fled into a nearby canal. Upon his return to the neighborhood, the situation escalated as officers approached him and made another Taser deployment. Moments later, an officer resorted to firing his gun and eventually shot Steve several times.

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Police Chief Thomas Garrity justified the officers' actions by stating that Steve was looking for a knife and that double-edged weapons were recovered at the scene. Garrity revealed that a total of 12 shots were fired during the incident.

However, the suspect's family expressed displeasure with the officers' response, suggesting they had used excessive force. Marie Hernandez, an eyewitness who observed the entire event, shared her perspective after reviewing the video, maintaining her stance that Steve did not justify being shot multiple times. “I still think I shouldn't have shot him so many times. He had a kitchen knife in his hand; he didn't have a weapon,” Hernandez stated firmly.

When asked about the perceived excessive use of force, Chief Garrity credited the county attorney and the ongoing investigation. “My opinion doesn't matter now, that's up to the attorney and the investigation,” Garrity remarked, stressing that the video evidence would speak for itself.

Chief Garrity acknowledged that while Steve had previous encounters with law enforcement, they were not aware of his mental state at the time. However, conflicting reports suggest that the reporting party who called 911 also informed one of the officers present about the suspect's struggles with mental illness.

At this time, the suspect has not been charged. His family confirmed that he has been released from the hospital and is currently undergoing rehabilitation.

The Yuma Police Department and the county attorney's office continue to investigate the incident, determining whether the officers involved used excessive force. The release of the body camera footage has ignited discussions about police response protocols and the appropriate use of force in situations involving people with mental health issues.

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