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Trump Blasts Paul Ryan – “I Taught Him How To Win”

Trump Blasts Paul Ryan – “I Taught Him How To Win”Trump Blasts Paul Ryan – “I Taught Him How To Win”" title="Trump Blasts Paul Ryan – “I Taught Him How To Win”" onerror="this.src=''; jQuery(this).removeAttr('srcset');"/>

Donald Trump has once again made headlines with his recent criticism of House Speaker Paul Ryan. In an interview with Fox News, Trump blasted Ryan for not doing more to help him win the election, saying that he “taught him how to win” and that Ryan was “weak and ineffective”. Trump’s comments came as a surprise to many, as Ryan has been a long-time ally of the president and a crucial part of his campaign.

The feud between Trump and Ryan began during the 2016 presidential election when Ryan refused to support Trump’s candidacy. Ryan’s stance was a major blow to Trump’s campaign, and it was seen as a sign of the deep divisions within the Republican Party. Trump eventually won the election, but the rift between him and Ryan remained.

In the Fox News interview, Trump laid into Ryan for his lack of support during the campaign. He said that Ryan should have done more to help him win the election and that he “taught him how to win”. Trump also accused Ryan of being “weak and ineffective” as Speaker of the House. Trump’s comments were seen as an attack on Ryan’s leadership and a sign that the two men are still far from reconciling.

Despite Trump’s criticism, Ryan has remained largely silent on the matter. He has not responded directly to Trump’s comments, but has instead focused on his work in Congress. Ryan has been a key figure in the passage of several major pieces of legislation, such as tax reform and the repeal of Obamacare.

The feud between Trump and Ryan is indicative of the deep divisions within the Republican Party. Trump and Ryan have long been seen as two of the most influential figures within the party, and their disagreement is a sign that the party is still struggling to find a unified vision.

Trump’s comments have also raised questions about the future of the Republican Party. Many have speculated that if Ryan and Trump cannot reconcile their differences, it could spell disaster for the party in the 2018 midterms. The GOP is already facing an uphill battle in the upcoming elections, and a split between Trump and Ryan could make it even harder for the party to win.

It remains to be seen how Trump and Ryan will move forward. For now, it appears that the two men are still far from reconciling their differences. Trump’s criticism of Ryan is a sign that the rift between them is still deep, and it could have serious implications for the future of the Republican Party.

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