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The “senior” official accused of political interference in the Hunter Biden case is named Merrick Garland

The “senior” official accused of political interference in the Hunter Biden case is named Merrick GarlandThe “senior” official accused of political interference in the Hunter Biden case is named Merrick Garland" title="The “senior” official accused of political interference in the Hunter Biden case is named Merrick Garland" onerror="this.src=''; jQuery(this).removeAttr('srcset');"/>

Attorney General Merrick Garland is under fire for allegedly obstructing the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of current President Joe Biden, after a whistleblower came forward in sworn testimony to name a “senior” official overseeing the case.

The whistleblower, represented by a lawyer who sent a bombshell letter to Congress, has claimed that a “high-profile and controversial” case handled by the Department of Justice (DOJ) is believed to be the investigation into the alleged failure to pay of Hunter Biden’s taxes. , faced “clear conflicts of interest.”

BREAKING: IRS agent overseeing Hunter Biden’s tax fraud case alleges ‘preferential treatment’ and false testimony to Congress

The letter to Congress seeking the whistleblower’s guidance does not name Hunter, but congressional aides confirm it. First reported by WSJ

— Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) April 19, 2023

The whistleblower claimed to have information that contradicted the sworn testimony of a “senior” official in the Biden administration, who has been identified as Merrick Garland. The identification was made first by the New York Post, and later by the Washington Examiner and the Daily Mail, citing anonymous sources.

Thus, the Attorney General would be guilty of perjury in statements made to Congress under oath, if the allegations are proven to be true.

Garland’s testimony to Republican Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee in April 2022, where he assured that there would be no political interference in the Hunter Biden investigation, has been called into question.

Garland had also claimed that U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware, a Trump appointee, was overseeing the investigation and had full authority to file charges. Garland reiterated that promise in March 2023 during testimony to Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa. However, it remains unclear which specific witness the complainant was referring to.

Garland has faced criticism from Republicans in the past over allegations of politicizing activities at the DOJ, including directing the FBI to investigate parents protesting school board meetings and targeting pro-life activists for enforce them. These latest allegations related to the Hunter Biden investigation have further intensified scrutiny of Garland’s actions and statements.

It’s worth noting that The New York Post was the first to break the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020, which linked his father, President Joe Biden, to his dealings with the firm Ukrainian energy Burisma.

The IRS whistleblower’s testimony raises troubling questions about the integrity of the DOJ’s handling of the Hunter Biden case. The nation’s top law enforcement officer is now accused of perjury before Congress and of weaponizing the Justice Department to serve the interests of the Biden administration.

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