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Senator Cotton takes the flamethrower to a “racist, absurdly woke, Hamas-sympathizing” AI from Google.

Senator Cotton takes the flamethrower to a “racist, absurdly woke, Hamas-sympathizing” AI from Google." title="Senator Cotton takes the flamethrower to a “racist, absurdly woke, Hamas-sympathizing” AI from Google." onerror="this.src=''; jQuery(this).removeAttr('srcset');"/>

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) blasted Google's “racist and absurdly woke” AI chatbot Gemini for its gross historical inaccuracy in producing images of white people.

Examples from the tech giant's new imaging tool were further evidence that systemic racism really does exist, as it has now been established that discrimination and demonization of white people is acceptable, from the White House to Corporate America and especially in Silicon Valley.

The Arkansas Republican didn't hold back in a blistering post on X in which he took a flamethrower to Google and pointed out that equally racist federal government control of AI would be a complete disaster.

“Google deserves condemnation for creating an absurdly woke, racist AI system that sympathizes with Hamas,” Cotton said. “Republican lawmakers will remember that the next time Google comes asking for antitrust help.”

“But the problem also lies with the White House, which has pressured tech companies to infuse artificial intelligence with 'fairness,' which is a way of rigging the system to be biased against conservatives,” the senator added in another message related to President Joe Biden's executive. order on Artificial Intelligence.

“This debacle is a stark reminder of why federal control over AI would be a disaster,” Cotton wrote. “It would force all AI systems to be as broken and as dishonest as Google's.”

The incredibly biased AI product sparked a backlash after social media users posted results showing that, like left-wing cultural terrorists who have smashed statues of the Founding Fathers and other white historical figures, Gemini was inherently racist.

“I'm glad that Google has overplayed its hand with its AI image generation, as it made its racist and anti-civilization programming clear to all,” said billionaire X owner Elon Musk.

“We are working to improve these types of representations immediately,” Gemini Experiences senior director of product management Jack Krawczyk said in a statement. “Gemini's AI image generation is generating a wide range of people. And that's generally a good thing, because people all over the world are using it. But it's missing the mark here.”

Krawczyk is alleged to have a history of expressing anti-white bigotry and leftist sentiment on social media.

“White privilege is real f*ck,” Krawczyk allegedly wrote in a 2018 tweet, according to screenshots posted to X. “Don't be an a**hole and act guilty about it; do your part to acknowledge the bias at all. atrocious levels.”

“We are already working to address recent issues with Gemini's image generation feature. While we do this, we will pause people's image generation and re-release an improved version soon,” Google said in a statement .


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Senator Cotton takes the flamethrower to a “racist, absurdly woke, Hamas-sympathizing” AI from Google.
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