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Sam Sorbo: Schools Were Always Designed For Indoctrination, So Pull Your Kids Out.

Sam Sorbo: Schools Were Always Designed For Indoctrination, So Pull Your Kids Out.

Author and educator Sam Sorbo joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the left’s infiltration of the education system. Sorbo explores the alienation of children from their parents created by the school system in an effort by Marxists to destroy the nuclear family. She explains while the fight in high education is important its often to late as the lower school system is entirely socialist in nature. The fight in school boards and to get inappropriate material out of schools is a result of that. She urges parents to homeschool their children to be able to equip them with success and the pursuit of happiness.

The post Sam Sorbo: Schools Were Always Designed For Indoctrination, So Pull Your Kids Out. appeared on Stephen K Bannon’s War Room.

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