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Pakistan’s ‘Trump’ talks exclusively to Revolver News about a deep state plot to destroy it

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History unfolded before our eyes this afternoon as Pakistan’s own “Trump” spoke exclusively to Revolver News about the Biden regime’s plot to oust him from power in an exclusive interview.

The great Imran Khan was generous enough to sit down with Darren J. Beattie and discuss how America and the deep state kicked him out of Congress for running a corrupt gravy train.

Watch the full interview (interview starts at 52:14 until we can edit the video):

The interview was also broadcast Social Truth, GETTR, Rumble i Twitter.

Here’s the excellent trailer we produced for the interview:

Mr Khan had this to say on Twitter before the interview:

Mr Khan, who is widely regarded as a man of the people, was ousted in what he insists was a US-orchestrated plot, just as the deep state has embroiled President Trump in endless investigations and accusations in what could accurately be described as a “pre-emptive strike” coup. President Trump, of course, is another populist “man of the people” leader that globalists despise.


Pakistan will open criminal proceedings against former prime minister Imran Khan on charges of leaking official secrets, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said on Wednesday, the latest in a series of cases the former prime minister has faced.

The case is linked to diplomatic correspondence between Washington and Islamabad, which Khan said early last year was part of a US conspiracy to topple his government. Washington has denied involvement in any such conspiracy.

Truly, this man has quite a story to tell, and we wish him the best as he fights for his vision of a strong and great Pakistan where the powerful are under the law and the common man is empowered.



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