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Ex-gunman confronts family, protective mother ends threat [VIDEOS]

In a dramatic turn of events, an Indiana mother took matters into her family’s defense. A mother fatally shot her daughter’s ex-boyfriend after he held her husband in the front yard of the family home at gunpoint, according to local authorities.

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The incident began when the armed ex-boyfriend confronted the woman’s husband at her residence. Sources suggest the clash may have stemmed from unresolved issues between the young man and the couple’s daughter. However, the exact reason is still unclear.

The tense situation quickly escalated, with the ex-boyfriend threatening the father with his firearm. The mother, fearing for her husband’s life, managed to retrieve a gun and shot the ex-boyfriend, ending the threat. The young man was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The local authorities have been dispatched to the scene and have started an investigation into the incident. Early indications suggest the mother acted in self-defense. It remains to be seen if charges will be filed against her.

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