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“Every State Battle’s A National Battle”: Father Pavone On Importance Of Ohio Abortion Fight

“Every State Battle’s A National Battle”: Father Pavone On Importance Of Ohio Abortion Fight“Every State Battle’s A National Battle”: Father Pavone On Importance Of Ohio Abortion Fight" title="“Every State Battle’s A National Battle”: Father Pavone On Importance Of Ohio Abortion Fight" onerror="this.src=''; jQuery(this).removeAttr('srcset');"/>

Frank Pavone of Priests for Life joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to breaks down the win for pro-abortion forces in Ohio explaining the reaction of pro-life activists in Ohio’s response to pro-abortion issues being put on Ohio ballots by attempting to amend Ohio’s constitution. Pro-life legislators believed raising voting threshold would put a speed bump in potential abortion codifications that originally needed only fifty plus one vote to pass.

The post “Every State Battle’s A National Battle”: Father Pavone On Importance Of Ohio Abortion Fight appeared first on Stephen K Bannon’s War Room.

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