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Eric Swalwell Campaigned For A Known Trans Pedophile, Libs Of TiTok Went To His Office To Ask About It [VIDEO]

Eric Swalwell Campaigned For A Known Trans Pedophile, Libs Of TiTok Went To His Office To Ask About It [VIDEO]

Libs of TikTok, aka Chaya Raichik, went to Eric Swalwell’s office to confront him over campaigning for a pedophile. They said he wasn’t there, but she left some questions that could use some answering…

“So you may have heard the name Stacy Lawton. He’s the nation’s first transgender-elected state representative. And he was arrested a few weeks ago on child porn charges. The DOJ charged him last week with child exploitation. So this man has a long criminal record dating back to 2008.” – Chaya Raichik

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Here’s the text message exchange referenced in the video above.

“I was just wanting to know if he intends to endorse more pedophiles for Office? Is Stacy Loughton the only pedophile that he has endorsed for Office? Is he going to endorse other types of criminals? Or is he going to, you know, stick with just endorsing the pedophiles? Like is he going to endorse bank robbers next? Or is he just going to stick to the pedophiles?” – Chaya Raichik


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