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Elon Musk spills the beans on the ADL and prepares for war…

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The left often cries foul about “disinformation,” positioning themselves as the online guardians of truth and warriors who are fighting against “false narratives.” Yet it is ironic that they are often the ones who spew the most misinformation. Take the COVID saga as a perfect example. Almost every point that the left labeled “conspiracy theory” has been proven correct, while the narratives they tried to suppress have become accepted facts. Not to mention their own spreading of falsehoods, like when so-called experts publicly stated that vaccines would completely prevent COVID infections, claimed that “masks” saved lives, and called ivermectin “medicine for horses”… the list goes on and on.

Despite this abysmal record of lies and fake news, the left still sees itself as the custodian of “truth.” Organizations like the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) present themselves as impartial anti-hate groups. They are actually radical leftist activist groups on a mission not to “stop the hate” but to dismantle anyone who is not aligned with their progressive and globalist ideology. The ADL is currently feverishly trying to discredit Elon Musk and X, under the guise of being arbiters of “truth”, while actively pushing fear and disinformation to stifle free speech. Elon is struggling now. He is on a mission to go to war with the ADL and beat them at their own game. One even wonders if Elon could become the first African-American to successfully take on the ADL.

Here’s what went down, in no particular order. Elon revealed that the ADL has, in the past, had the power to secretly suspend or ban any Twitter account they don’t like:

Advertisers avoid controversy, so all it takes for ADL to crush our ad revenue in the US and Europe is to make baseless accusations. They have much less power in Asia, so our ad revenue is still strong.

This “controversy” causes advertisers to “pause”, but that pause is permanent until ADL gives the green light, which they won’t do without us agreeing to secretly suspend or ban any accounts they don’t like.

This is the relationship they have had with X/Twitter for many years. Presumably they have this with every Western social network or search organization.

Elon then explained how powerful the unelected and incomprehensible ADL is by revealing how much they’ve already taken from Twitter revenue.

This time, the ADL may have picked a fight with the wrong opponent. Elon Musk has taken off his gloves and has 4 billion compelling reasons to do so.

Based on what we’ve heard from advertisers, it appears that ADL is responsible for most of our lost revenue.

Giving them the maximum benefit of the doubt, I don’t see any scenario where they are responsible for less than 10% of the value destruction, so ~$4B.

Document discovery of all communications between the ADL and advertisers will tell the full story.

Elon is also determined to shine a bright and very public light on what the ADL is really doing behind the scenes.

Elon finds the irony of this particular battle delicious.

Elon also went on a PR blitz against the crooked and anti-American ADL with several publications. One of them was a revealing article in Tablet magazine delving into the questionable actions of the ADL, aptly titled, “You’re not confused. The ADL is getting as bad as you think.”

Elon also released an enlightening documentary entitled “Exploring The Politics Of ‘Defamation'”. It reveals how the movement hides under the guise of “anti-hate,” like ANTIFA or BLM. The left loves to name its radical political groups with indisputable titles. “Are you against ANTIFA? But their name means ‘Anti-Fascism’. What, do you support Hitler or something?”

Finally, Elon highlighted an article detailing how Facebook essentially “gave in” to organizations like the ADL. Now, these leftist groups have free rein and are effectively dictating the rules within Facebook.

So what to do with such a powerful, incomprehensible and slanderous organization? It turns out that a lawsuit may be in order: a defamation suit. Elon finds the irony of this particular battle delicious.

We don’t know the specifics of the law in California, or wherever the ADL is based, but a tortious interference lawsuit might also be interesting.

Brave AI:

Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, occurs when a person intentionally damages another person’s contractual or commercial relations with a third party, causing economic harm. It can be caused by blackmail, threats, or obstructing someone’s ability to perform a contract by deliberately refusing to deliver the necessary goods.2 There are two types of tortious interference: tortious interference with contract and tortious interference with a potential economic advantage. The main difference between the two is whether a contract exists. A company has a claim for tortious interference with contract when it can show (1) the existence of a valid contract, (2) the defendant’s knowledge of that contract, (3) that the defendant intentionally caused a breach of this contract without justification, and (4) consequential damages.

According to the ADL, almost every number under the sun is a “hate symbol.”

When you really examine the entire setup, it resembles a classic mob shakedown. Organizations like the ADL hang “advertising dollars” on these big corporations. Unless these companies relinquish control and allow the ADL to exert influence, they risk losing advertising revenue. It’s essentially pure political blackmail and Elon acknowledges it. He’s ready to push back, and this could be the first time the ADL meets its match.



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