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Chinese Communists Rewriting Bible, Now Claim Jesus Was ‘A Sinner’ ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

Jesus, according to the Chinese Communist government, is now a “sinner.”

A report from CBN News reveals that the leftist repressives in the government are facing a revolt among their own citizens, and now are rewriting the Bible in order to suppress the faithful.

The report explained one example was the Communist Party version of John chapter eight, where Jesus challenges those who caught a woman in adultery to examine their own lives.

The perverted version now states: “Jesus once said to the angry crowd who was trying to stone a woman who had sinned, ‘He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.’ When his words came to their ears, they stopped moving forward. When everyone went out, Jesus stoned the woman himself, and said, ‘I am also a sinner.’”

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The problem threatening Chinese officials is that there now are estimated to be some 130 million Chinese Christians. There are more Christians in China than members of the CCP, the report said.

“The Chinese are no longer content with all of these attempts to try to forcibly get Christians to deny their faith,” explained Tina Ramirez of Hardwired Global. “And so now they’ve just taken it to a new level where they’re trying to rewrite the scripture and what the Bible says, to confuse them and to prevent them from becoming Christians.”

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Bob Fu of ChinaAid told CBN, “So, this is happening right now. We have seen the escalation. Bibles for children is totally forbidden. And all the Bible apps and Bible-related apps were forcefully removed from every e-commerce app store. Millions of Chinese Christian children were forced to sign a form renouncing their faith in public.”

Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs said the CCP is frightened because it is “always about control.”

“And they see the Gospel, they see the Christian message as something that would take control away from the Communist Party.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: To their horror, America’s ruling elites failed to knock out Donald Trump during his four years as president via the fabricated Trump-Russia collusion scandal – conceived and funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign, as the Durham report proves – or through two circus-like impeachment trials. Later came “January 6,” a demonstration-turned-riot by Trump supporters who passionately believed, with good reason, that the recent election – and therefore their country – had just been stolen from them. Members of Congress now want to constitutionally bar Trump from again seeking public office for having instigated “an armed insurrection” (no protester was armed) against America.

Then in March, Trump was indicted in New York on 34 counts of falsifying business records, and in June, still more indictments were filed against Trump – 37 federal criminal charges related to his handling of classified documents. Honest legal experts not in league with the Biden administration openly classify these indictments as somewhere between frivolous and idiotic, not to mention grotesquely politically motivated.

The Deep State’s never-ending persecution of Donald Trump, as well as the incredible back story of the totalitarian agenda Trump’s persecutors are attempting to implement in America and why Trump represents a mortal threat to their nefarious designs – is the focus of the blockbuster July issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE PERSECUTION OF DONALD TRUMP: Why the ruling elites loathe – and fear – the 45th president.”

WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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