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‘WOW’: NY Times Takes Down NYC Mayor Eric Adams For Fake Story About Fallen Officer

‘WOW’: NY Times Takes Down NYC Mayor Eric Adams For Fake Story About Fallen Officer

The New York Times is in a bit of a bind. He has written not just one, but two pieces of journalism criticizing a prominent Democratic politician.

You might want to sit down for this one. The Times has exposed New York City Mayor Eric Adams in brutal fashion for a cynical and downright disgusting political story he has used on the campaign trail. It implies that Adams is fabricating a story about him carrying a “worn out” photo of a fallen soldier to give voters the appearance that the mayor has a heart.

“In Mayor Eric Adams’ first month in office, he faced a tragic crisis: the deaths of two New York City police officers responding to a domestic disturbance in Harlem,” the Times wrote .

“Mr. Adams, a former police captain who campaigned as a Democratic crime fighter, was quick to humanize the killings,” The Times continued. “The loss of the officers, he said, reminded him of the 1987 death of a friend, Officer Robert Venable.”

“I still think about Robert,” said Mr. Adams at a press conference at City Hall. “I keep a picture of Robert in my wallet.”

“A week later, Mr. Adams posed for a portrait in his office, holding a wallet-sized photo of Officer Venable after The New York Times requested to see it,” he said. add post “Mr. Adams has since repeated the poignant anecdote in media interviews and at a Police Academy ceremony last June, where he again displayed the image of Officer Venable.

But here comes the part of the New York Times story that has sent Adams’ office into a whirlwind of rage.

“But the defaced photo of Officer Venable hadn’t actually spent decades in the mayor’s portfolio. It had been created by employees in the mayor’s office days after Mr. Adams claimed to have it carried in the wallet,” the Times wrote.

“Employees were instructed to create a photo of Officer Venable, according to a person familiar with the request. An image of the officer was found on Google; it was printed in black and white and looked worn as if the “Mayor had been wearing it for some time, even spilling some coffee on it, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.”

Ouch. That has to hurt for a Democratic mayor who didn’t expect this fact-checking to come from a reliable left-wing organ like the New York Times.

Since then, a contentious dispute has erupted between Mayor Eric Adams and The New York Times over allegations he lied about carrying the defaced photo of the late NYPD comrade in his wallet for many years.

Mayor Adams’ office quickly went on the defensive, vehemently accusing the company of launching a “bogus attack” against him. They even arranged for several members of Officer Venable’s family to publicly refute the claims.

In a statement, Adams’ spokesman Fabien Levy expressed his dismay to The New York Times for forcing Venable’s loved ones to relive the tragedy of her murder. Levy accused the newspaper of being fixated on scrutinizing every aspect of the mayor’s life in an unsuccessful attempt to portray him as a liar.

Adams’ office has denied the photo tampering accusation and says the newspaper initially contacted them Wednesday, claiming the mayor and the dead officer were never friends.

In a statement, the mayor’s office clarified that while the Times’ initial inquiry mentioned a photo, the main focus of its request and subsequent written questions centered on the newspaper’s claim that there was no genuine relationship between Adams and Venable.

The office acknowledged it had spent an inordinate amount of time rebutting the Times’ claims by locating Venable’s loved ones, as well as a half-dozen former police officers who could allegedly corroborate the close friendship between Adams and the fallen officer .

During the mayoral campaign, critics had targeted Adams, drawing comparisons between him and President Biden, accusing him of embellishing stories. Curtis Sliwa, Adams’ Republican opponent in the 2021 mayoral race, remarked that the mayor was increasingly resembling Biden in his alleged behavior.

Sliwa, the founder of Guardian Angels, stated: “He says he’s the Biden of Brooklyn. Adams is showing Biden-like traits. He’s sounding more and more like Joe Biden. You better step in.”

Sliwa’s comments highlighted the alleged fabrication of a photo of a police officer with added coffee stains, suggesting such actions were unnecessary.

“You don’t need to create a picture of a policeman and put coffee stains on it,” he said. “Come on.”


The NY Times fires at Biden for his insensitivity to his seventh grandchild

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