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Why should Biden use executive orders to secure the border? [VIDEOS]

Why should Biden use executive orders to secure the border? [VIDEOS]

In a recent exchange with reporters, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre sparked controversy when asked about Joe Biden's response to the ongoing border crisis. Jean-Pierre defended the regime's approach, questioning why the president should have to address the issue unilaterally through executive action.

Despite the Biden regime's reversal of many of former President Donald Trump's border policies through 94 executive actions, the press secretary's statements have raised questions about the regime's stance on the border crisis. With Congress deadlocked on measures to address illegal crossings on the southern border, the regime's reluctance to act unilaterally has come under scrutiny.

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While some White House sources have hinted at the possibility of executive action to deal with the surge in migrants, Joe Biden has expressed concern about possible opposition and legal challenges. Amid these uncertainties, a cross-party bill to tighten immigration controls collapsed in February, adding to the complexity of finding a “bipartisan” solution.

The border crisis has become a key concern for many Americans, and public opinion shows a growing demand for action. However, a Reuters/Ipsos poll reported that 56 percent of voters want the government to address the problem by enforcing immigration laws more rigorously.

Like the The Senate is preparing to vote on a “bipartisan” measure aimed at dealing with the crisis, the Biden regime continues to emphasize the need for legislative unity and “bipartisan” solutions. The proposed measure supposedly it seeks to fund additional Border Patrol agents, invest in technology to combat drug trafficking, and address the backlog of asylum cases while also addressing the president's ability to take unilateral action within the bounds of the law.

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Despite the regime's efforts to rally support for the new bill, it is expected to face bipartisan resistance, further intensifying pressure on Joe Biden to take action on the border crisis.

The press secretary's recent comments have sparked a wave of reactions on social media, with many expressing frustration and calling for decisive leadership to address the border situation.

As the debate over the border crisis continues to unfold, it remains a critical issue that will likely shape the political landscape in the upcoming presidential election and beyond.

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