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Why Planned Parenthood LIKES child marriage

(Image of Jill Wellington from Pixabay)

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Live Action News.]

By Bridget Sielicki
Live action news

California is a state that allows child marriage, a practice that even the United Nations calls a violation of human rights. While some legislators are legislating to eliminate what they named the “shocking” and “horrific” practice, are facing opposition from an unexpected place: pro-abortion stalwarts, including Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.

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The fight represents a new tactic by the for-profit abortion industry. Because the most abortions among single women, one would expect the abortion industry to fight against child marriage as a way to boost its business. However, the groups’ opposition represents a larger push to eliminate parental supervision and defend the so-called sexual “rights” of children.

As a recent Newsweek article explained, the opposition “stems from concern that imposing an age requirement could set the stage for a slippery slope when it comes to constitutional rights or reproductive choices, specifically that an age requirement could prevent a minor’s ability to seek an abortion” (emphasis added).

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This idea is also found in comments made earlier by the ACLU, which claimed that the “lack of data” on child marriage “needlessly and improperly intrudes on the fundamental right of marriage without sufficient cause.” In 2017, the pro-abortion organization stated: “[W]We believe that some young people can make that decision appropriately for themselves.”

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A spokesman for the ACLU of Northern California said recently Los Angeles Times that their position on child marriage has not changed.

Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California spokeswoman Jennifer Wonnacott said the abortion corporation “strongly supports protecting young people from all forms of abuse,” but noted that the laws should not impede reproductive rights of minors and their ability to decide what is best for them, their health and their lives”.

Ultimately, the abortion industry’s support for child marriage comes down to the idea of consent. The industry routinely fights against parental notification laws, arguing that minors have the right to “decide what’s best” for themselves sexually, and especially when it comes to abortion. This flawed logic then gives rise to the idea of ​​seeking to maintain the predatory practice of child marriage; after all, admitting that minors are too young to make a life-changing decision marriage it would also mean admitting that they are too young to make the life-changing choice sexas well as the choice to kill his own children via the abortion.

In a recent interviewJonathan Keller, president and CEO of the California Family Council, laid out this idea.

“They [the abortion industry] They’re basically worried that anything that protects children from these very serious decisions will affect the left’s view of gender, sexuality and abortion,” Keller said. “Essentially, what we have are liberal lawmakers and liberal groups that say: “The most important thing is to protect the rights of young people to make these very serious decisions related to their sexual identity, their gender identity or even the lives of children. the womb'”.

She added: “They don’t want to open the door and say maybe kids shouldn’t be making those kinds of decisions when it comes to getting married, they’re worried that somehow that’s going to affect them being able to choose abortion.”

Keller noted that the fight by these groups to continue allowing child marriage is part of a larger push remove parental rights completely.

“Instead of (the left) trying to protect children, they’re really doing everything they can to emancipate them from their parents in all but the real technical name.”

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Live Action News.]



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