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We can change Washington ‘only through force’ [VIDEOS]

We can change Washington ‘only through force’ [VIDEOS]

In a stunning speech at the Iowa State Fair, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz underscored the prevailing sentiment among many conservatives: that achieving real change in Washington, DC requires strong determination and action.

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The energetic crowd gathered to hear one of the GOP’s most outspoken figures was not disappointed. Gaetz fervently highlighted the challenges of restoring course in the nation’s capital. “This is not about simple tweaks or simple policy changes,” he remarked. “The deeply entrenched establishment in Washington will not be swayed by words alone. It will take decisive action.”

Gaetz did not explicitly advocate physical force, but his words were powerful, emphasizing the need for bold and inflexible measures to overhaul the existing status quo. He drew attention to the establishment’s resistance to change and the layers of bureaucracy that slow progress.

Gaetz’s forceful comments echo growing frustration among conservative factions that feel marginalized and unheard in a political landscape dominated by longtime Washington elites. Many perceive these elites to be far removed from the concerns and struggles of ordinary Americans.

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Maybe that’s why Oliver Anthony’s songs hit number one, two, four and nine on iTunes in a matter of days.

Throughout his speech, Gaetz called on conservatives to unite, mobilize and defend the values ​​they hold dear, emphasizing the importance of the grassroots movement in shaping the nation’s political future.

“The journey ahead is full of challenges,” Gaetz admitted. “But with conviction, unity and unwavering action, we can and will recover our capital.”

As the 2024 election approaches, you see how Gaetz is rallying the conservative base, highlighting the imperative of a decisive response to the challenges facing the nation. Whether Washington is ready for this rising tide of decisive action remains to be seen.

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