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Watchdog warns of Oreo-Maker's ties to Marxist and radical globalist organizations

(National Legal and Political Center) following the online viral ad was released approx Oreos and its troubling association with LGBT defense group PFLAGa leading conservative-leaning corporate watchdog, the National Legal and Political Center has published in follow up video promote a shareholder proposal will be presented on May 22 at the annual meeting of Mondelez International, parent company of the cookie brand.

The NLPC resolution calls on the multinational snack giant to look into areas of risk where it has engaged in disruptive relationships with outside organizations, such as Oreo's with PFLAG.

Other examples of the proposal cite the support of Mondelez al marxistanti-law enforcement group Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and the company's association with the antisemitic UN Human Rights.

“Mondelez is carelessly running around the consumer market dropping landmines that could very well end up becoming cables themselves,” he said. Paul Chesserdirector of the NLPC Corporate Integrity Project.

“It is not surprising, since the president/CEO Dirk Van de Put is also on the board of directors of Anheuser Busch InBevthe company that self-inflicted the biggest brand destruction in many years last April with Bud Light,” he added.

As NLPC pointed out with his Video Oreo released in February, PFLAG approves gender transition treatments for children from 3 yearsi battles to ensure books with explicit content they are allowed in public schools and libraries.

NLPC began its campaign to highlight the cookie maker's inappropriate relationship with PFLAG after it became aware of the brand's social media accounts, primarily on Twitter.they were very populated places in support of PFLAG's different narratives, causes and social advocacy.

The new video draws attention to Mondelez's alliances with BLM and UN Human Rights, as well as PFLAG.

In a white paper filed with the Stock Exchange and Securities Commission last month, NLPC also identified potential risk relationships that the Chicago-based company has with organizations that include Campaign for Human Rights, World Economic Forumthe World Health OrganizationAnd others.

The wider media is noticing the growing criticism of Corporate America's allegiance to the radical LGBT agenda that includes the sexualization of children.

The Wall Street Journal last week reported on the NLPC proposal for Mondelez, and last month won the nonprofit corporate watchdog generalized coverage his proposed to Disneywhich sought equal treatment for employees who have been victims of radical gender ideology, incl detransitionists.

“The political winds have changed just a few years ago, but Mondelez is still living in the past as if nothing has changed,” said NLPC President Peter Flaherty.

“Now that the extreme transgender push has inevitably moved forward to endanger children, corporate involvement in social justice issues is more treacherous than ever,” he added. “We urge Dirk Van de Put to wake up to reality before it's too late, or the consequences could be devastating.”


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