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Watch: Matt Gaetz reveals why the GOP should be ashamed of Merrick Garland's 'contempt' vote…

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Whenever the GOP starts its victory dance, it's wise to take a second look, because there's usually something else brewing, or they're dodging the real “meat and potatoes” issues, throwing us a bone for keep quiet This familiar dance of one-party cowards plays out again with contempt vote Merrick Garland.

Now, make no mistake: We love seeing Garland squirm under the weight of her list of misdeeds, including contempt, especially with the recent spotlight on Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. What's good for the goose is definitely good, and we're all for that kind of justice.

We get it; the two tier stuff is getting really old.

However, as Matt Gaetz so ably points out, Garland won't really face the music for the most egregious dirty deeds she's committed, namely against President Trump. Instead, the GOP is likely to just make him release embarrassing videos of Biden's stutters and mistakes, while the real injustices, the deep and destructive law that was carried out against President Trump, remain unchallenged . This sideshow distracts from the problems that are really tearing at the very fabric of our nation.

This is precisely the point Gaetz drives home: a rock-solid one that should have us all up in arms, demanding not just more, but much, much more.

Meanwhile, Revolver is on top of this angle of the Garland saga. Last week, Garland landed on the hot seat, and let's just say she didn't exactly shine. When pressed about the elaborate legal scheme he and the regime have orchestrated, Garland bristled. This problem cuts to the core of Biden's tyrannical reach and isn't just aimed at President Trump. It's bigger than that: Bannon, Navarro, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, the January 6th political prisoners, and Douglass Mackey, who received a felony conviction just for posting an anti-Hillary meme, are caught in this lawless web and unfair .

RELATED: Dear Elon: America Needs You to Support Doug Mackey's First Amendment Fight


A highlight of the day was when Massie fiercely criticized and questioned the actual appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel. Smith wasn't even approved by the Senate, so how is he allowed to continue this politically successful work?

Awakened Outlaw:

Save and share the hell out of this clip.

This destroys Jack Smith even being appointed as special prosecutor and Merrick Garland by proxy.

There is now a 0% chance that Smith and his co-conspirators will be able to legally advance their case, since the Office of Special Counsel was never legally established, and it turns out that's kind of powerless .

But don't take my word for it, Garland flatly admits it right here.

Absolute destruction masterfully delivered by Congressman (R-KY) @ThomasMassie

Hats off to you, Congressman. 🫡

h/t @Travis_4_Trump 👊

You can read the entire piece by clicking here:

Horrible day for Garland: A lawmaker asked him this simple question and he couldn't find an answer…

As conservatives, it's about time we stopped settling for the meager breadcrumbs thrown our way. We need to throw these crumbs at the people who are supposed to work for us and tell them it's time to put on their big boy pants and hand over the whole loaf, or else. Instead of taking this bold stance, we too often fall into the trap of thinking we should be grateful for the scraps we receive, conditioned by the stingy handouts we expect from these no-good vagabonds. enough is enough



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