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WarRoom Battleground EP 250: 419-0 Calls For Investigations Into Covid-19

WarRoom Battleground EP 250: 419-0 Calls For Investigations Into Covid-19

WarRoom Battleground EP 250: 419-0 Calls For Investigations Into Covid-19

The WarRoom Battleground EP 250 aired on 21st May 2020, and it discussed the calls for investigations into Covid-19. The episode revealed how the virus brings a renewed focus on the importance of strong public health systems and robust international cooperation and highlighted the need for accountability to be taken.

The episode’s title comes from the fact that the US House of Representatives voted 419-0 in favor of a resolution calling for investigations into Covid-19’s origins, spread, and responses from governments and the World Health Organization (WHO). The resolution aims to identify lessons learned, improve the global response to pandemics, and provide answers to families who have lost loved ones as a result of the virus.

The host of the show, Steve Bannon, stressed that the investigations should be carried out transparently and should focus on the origins of the virus, something that has not yet been established beyond doubt.

The episode featured several guests who provided their views on the resolution and the investigations it calls for. Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, criticized the WHO’s handling of the pandemic, saying they had allowed it to spread unchecked around the world. Schlapp noted that the investigations should uncover any collusion between the WHO and China and the role played by the Chinese government in initially covering up the outbreak.

Another guest was Steve Mosher, the president of the Population Research Institute, who called for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to be held accountable for their actions in handling the pandemic. Mosher criticized China’s poor health standards and restrictions on people’s freedoms, which have led to the spread of the virus globally.

The episode also featured Jack Posobiec, a correspondent for One America News Network, who discussed how the media has treated the pandemic. Posobiec accused mainstream media outlets of spreading Chinese propaganda and ignoring the science when reporting the virus’s spread.

The WarRoom Battleground EP 250 provides a valuable insight into the ongoing debate about the need for investigations into Covid-19. It highlights the need for transparency and accountability to ensure that lessons are learned from the virus’s spread. The episode also shows that the pandemic has become a political issue, with different parties holding different views on the resolution and the investigation it calls for.

In conclusion, the WarRoom Battleground EP 250 provides a vital discussion on the calls for investigations into Covid-19. It highlights the need for transparency and accountability and shows how the pandemic has become a political issue. The episode provides a valuable insight into the ongoing debate surrounding Covid-19 and shows how it has impacted different nations and individuals around the world.

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