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WarRoom Battleground EP 231: Navigating The Economical Landscape Around China

WarRoom Battleground EP 231: Navigating The Economical Landscape Around China

The ongoing trade war between the United States and China has had a significant impact on the global economy, and the ramifications of the dispute are still being felt. In the latest episode of WarRoom Battleground, host Stephen K. Bannon and his guests discussed the economic landscape around China and what it means for the world.

The episode began with Bannon discussing the current state of the Chinese economy and the impact of the trade war. He noted that the Chinese economy is slowing down due to the tariffs imposed by the U.S. and the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China. Bannon argued that the Chinese economy is on a downward trajectory due to its reliance on debt and its lack of innovation.

Bannon’s guests included Gordon Chang, an expert on Chinese politics and economics, and Alex Capri, a professor of economics at the National University of Singapore. Chang argued that the Chinese economy is struggling due to its lack of economic freedom and its heavy reliance on state-owned enterprises. He also noted that the Chinese government is struggling to manage its debt, which is now at an all-time high.

Capri argued that the Chinese economy is in a precarious position due to the ongoing trade war and the slowing global economy. He argued that the Chinese economy is particularly vulnerable to external shocks, such as a recession in the U.S. or a sharp decline in global demand.

The guests discussed the implications of the trade war for the global economy. Chang argued that the trade war has resulted in a global economic slowdown, and he warned that the situation could worsen if the dispute is not resolved soon. Capri argued that the trade war has resulted in increased uncertainty and volatility in global markets, and he warned that this could lead to a further decline in global growth.

The episode concluded with the guests discussing the potential implications of the trade war for the U.S. economy. Chang argued that the U.S. is likely to suffer more in the long-term due to its reliance on imports from China. Capri argued that the U.S. could benefit from the trade war if it can successfully negotiate better terms with China.

Overall, the episode provided an insightful look at the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China and its implications for the global economy. The guests discussed the current state of the Chinese economy and the potential implications of the trade war for the global economy. They also discussed the potential implications of the trade war for the U.S. economy.

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