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VICTORIA: UNC embraces Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling, calling it a ‘humbling moment’…

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Justice may not be a common sight in our country these days. However, every now and then a ray of hope manages to filter through, and those on the side of righteousness achieve a moment of triumph. And right now, that kind of moment is unfolding, all thanks to a remarkably humble surrender from the University of North Carolina. In a recent statement, UNC pledged its undying commitment to uphold the Supreme Court’s ruling after its defeat in an affirmative action case. Additionally, UNC is also committed to extending this same non-racist fairness to its hiring practices as well.

They also admit they spent $35 million in legal fees on a lost case and say it’s all a “humbling moment.” What a win for the good guys.

Here an extract from the Wall Street Journal piece

When the Supreme Court struck down the University of North Carolina’s affirmative action program in June, administrators at its flagship campus in Chapel Hill quickly responded.

Embracing the letter and spirit of the law, the board passed a non-discrimination resolution in July that applies not only to admissions, but also to hiring and hiring. The resolution goes beyond race to prohibit discrimination based on “race, sex, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.”

UNC trustees were already trying to move the institution in that direction before the decision. Board member Marty Kotis began championing a resolution that would ban discrimination in hiring and hiring by 2021. After the Supreme Court ruling, a full board overwhelmingly approved a more comprehensive version.

The resolution includes language from Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion to specify that “the University shall not “establish through application trials or other means” any regime or encourage heuristics and/or proxies based on race-based preferences in hiring or admission. If the University considers the personal experience of applicants for admission, each applicant “must be treated based on his experiences as an individual, not function of race”.

“This is a humbling moment,” board vice president John Preyer said. “Over nine years, we’ve spent about $35 million to lose a high-profile case. Why did we do that? Was it the right thing to do?”

But the fight is just beginning. Many of these so-called beloved institutions are determined to continue in their racist ways. The Wall Street Journal the piece continues:

Meanwhile, UNC’s rival Harvard has looked for ways to continue discriminating, and so have many other institutions. They focus on one sentence in the court’s ruling: “Nothing in this opinion should be construed to prohibit colleges from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, whether by discrimination, inspiration or otherwise.”

Harvard responded to the decision by citing that line in isolation, suggesting it would treat it as a loophole. The university said it would comply with the law, but reaffirmed its commitment to diversity and commented that “we will determine how to preserve, consistent with the Court’s new precedent, our core values.”

Other institutions responded in kind, indicating that they would follow the law but would look for ways around it. Now that applications for fall 2024 are open, it’s clear that these schools are willing to risk further litigation by using admissions tests to continue to discriminate through race and other characteristics identity

The truth is that only a small number of universities, such as Harvard, have the means and financial resources to subvert this decision. However, if significant pressure is applied, even these institutions could find themselves exhausted and eventually collapse in judgment.



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