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Twitter is still infected with deep staters; banned Senator Mike Lee for republishing a Federalist article questioning US policy toward Ukraine. – The Donald – America First

Twitter is still infected with deep staters;  banned Senator Mike Lee for republishing a Federalist article questioning US policy toward Ukraine.  – The Donald – America First

Okay, but this is just a starting point for figuring out what happened, and there may be multiple answers.

You could look at the number of lawsuits the right loses and say “strange how only the right seems to suffer these setbacks, so the courts must be biased.”

Couldn’t it also be that the shitlibs are more litigious than us and it’s our fault for not constantly suing them? I mean I see a lot of people complaining about, say, white men being discriminated against in business, but hardly anyone suing these companies.

The same could happen with technology platforms. Yes, there is definitely bias, but couldn’t it be as much/more apparent bias because so few of us are commenting and reporting shitlibs for violations?

I have a strong suspicion that we are a bigger part of the problem than we think. It’s time to raise money and start asserting our rights. I realize that it seems unpleasant to sue people, but if we don’t use this tool, we will continue to lose.

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