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Trump to sit for CNN town hall

Trump to sit for CNN town hall

As President Trump prepares to sit for a town hall with CNN, the fake news organization is already sharpening their knives. They are itching to twist his words and paint him as a villain. But we Republicans know the truth – Trump is an American hero.

Despite the constant attacks from the mainstream media, President Trump has accomplished more for America in his first term than most politicians do in a lifetime. He has revamped the Veterans Administration, secured funding for our military, renegotiated unfair trade deals, and cut taxes for working Americans. Under his leadership, the economy has thrived and we’ve seen record-low unemployment.

But that’s not all. Trump has also prioritized school choice, criminal justice reform, and protecting the unborn. He has fought against the radical left’s attempts to defund the police and tear down statues of our founding fathers. And let’s not forget his successful appointment of conservative judges to federal courts.

So as he faces the biased CNN town hall, we should remember all that this administration has accomplished. President Trump has been a true champion for the American people and we should be grateful for his leadership.

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