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Trump supporters stormed outside Kamala Harris' event, panicked inside [VIDEOS]

Trump supporters stormed outside Kamala Harris' event, panicked inside [VIDEOS]

In an alarming incident on Tuesday, Trump campaign supporters were subjected to a brutal attack by a volatile individual with left-wing affiliations outside Kamala Harris' keynote address in Philadelphia. The event, held at the SEIU Quadrennial Convention in Center City, drew strong reactions from passionate activists on both sides.

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Tensions rose as Team Trump volunteers set up a presence outside the venue, angering left-leaning people who disagreed with his policy stance. Among these agitators, one person lashed out aggressively at Team Trump volunteers, sparking a brief but disturbing altercation.

The situation quickly spiraled out of control as agitated leftists resorted to further acts of violence, flipping tables belonging to Team Trump. The incident, which took place outside the venue hosting Kamala Harris, disrupted the peaceful environment and shocked onlookers.

During her speech at the SEIU Quadrennial Convention in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris tried to deliver a message about the upcoming election, but her words were nearly drowned out by about 30 pro-Palestinian protesters who loudly chanted “Free Palestine” at the throughout his speech. In response, the 3,500 SEIU members present amplified their support by chanting “Four more years.”

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Despite the distraction, Harris avoided addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict and stayed on point, emphasizing the Biden-Harris regime's loyalty to organized labor and democracy. In his remarks, he stated, “We are here today because we are clear-eyed about the stakes of this moment. Across our nation, we see all-out attacks on hard-won and hard-fought freedoms and rights.”

SEIU plans to channel a significant $200 million toward supporting the Biden-Harris ticket in the November election.

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