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“Trump is right, we have to stop WW3 from occurring and take on the domestic threat.” – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

In a recent episode of Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic, the former advisor to President Trump argued that the United States must prioritize domestic threats over the risk of a third world war. Bannon’s comments come amid rising tensions between the US and China, with both sides engaging in a fierce trade war and increased military activity in the South China Sea.

According to Bannon, the global economy is at risk of collapse if the US continues to escalate tensions with China. He believes that the US must focus on strengthening its own economy and national security, rather than engaging in a global conflict that could have disastrous consequences for everyone involved.

Bannon’s comments echo those of President Trump, who has repeatedly called for an end to US involvement in foreign wars and a focus on domestic issues. In his 2020 State of the Union address, Trump declared that “the years of endless war are over” and called for greater investment in infrastructure, healthcare, and job creation.

Despite Trump’s rhetoric, however, the US remains heavily involved in conflicts around the world. From Afghanistan to Syria to Yemen, US troops are still fighting and dying in wars that seem to have no end in sight.

Bannon believes that this must change if the US is to avoid a third world war. He argues that the rise of China and its growing influence in global affairs presents a major challenge to US interests, but that the best way to counter this threat is by strengthening the US economy from within.

This means investing in infrastructure, education, and job creation, as well as addressing issues such as income inequality and healthcare. Only by addressing these domestic issues, according to Bannon, can the US remain a strong and stable power on the global stage.

Of course, some critics argue that Bannon’s approach is shortsighted and ignores the very real threat of a global conflict. They point to the rising tensions between the US and China, as well as other geopolitical flashpoints around the world, as evidence that the US cannot simply focus on its own problems and hope for the best.

However, Bannon’s argument is not that the US should ignore foreign threats altogether. Rather, he believes that the best way to counter these threats is by strengthening the US from within, so that it is better able to deal with challenges abroad.

The question, then, is whether the US can find a balance between addressing domestic issues and engaging with the world. Can we invest in infrastructure and job creation while also maintaining a strong military presence around the world? Can we address income inequality and healthcare while also countering the rise of China and other threats to US interests?

These are difficult questions with no easy answers. But if we take Bannon’s warning seriously and recognize the importance of tackling domestic issues, we may be better equipped to navigate the complex and dangerous world we live in. Ultimately, the fate of the US and the world may depend on our ability to find this balance and address both domestic and foreign threats.

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