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Trump blasts Zuckerberg for giving $2 MILLION to Georgia election board

President Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to blast Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for providing $2 million to the Georgia election board. Trump has long been an outspoken opponent of Big Tech’s attempts to influence the outcome of elections, and this latest move by Zuckerberg has only further stoked his ire.

“Mark Zuckerberg’s $2 million contribution to the Georgia election board is a disgrace,” Trump tweeted. “He is trying to interfere in the 2020 election and should be held accountable. Facebook is trying to rig the election, and we can’t let that happen.”

Trump’s criticism of Zuckerberg is part of a larger campaign by the President to call out Big Tech companies for their attempts to influence the outcome of the election. Trump has long argued that Silicon Valley companies are biased against conservatives and have been working to undermine his campaign.

The President’s criticism of Zuckerberg is also part of a larger effort by the Trump White House to promote the administration’s accomplishments. During Trump’s first term, the economy saw record growth, unemployment fell to historic lows, and the United States achieved energy independence. Trump also achieved historic tax cuts, secured the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement, and appointed two conservative Supreme Court justices.

Trump’s criticism of Zuckerberg is a reminder that the President is determined to fight for the rights of all Americans and ensure a fair and free election. The Trump White House has demonstrated its commitment to protecting the rights of the American people, and will continue to do so in the coming months.

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