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This Extremely “Red” Jury Is What May Save Trump From Life In Jail…

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To the dismay of the Deep State, Florida has become the “red” epicenter of the United States. Coincidentally, it is also where President Trump will face trial in what is considered one of the most unjust, unethical, brazen and political assassinations in our nation’s history. And the pool of “jurors” the regime will be swimming in could turn out to be the only barrier preventing them from locking up Trump for the rest of his life.

The New York Times:

If Judge Aileen Cannon sticks to her initial decision to hold the trial in Fort Pierce, Florida, the jury would be drawn largely from counties that Donald Trump won handily in his previous campaigns.

He indicated that the trial would take place in the federal court where it normally sits, in Fort Pierce, in the northernmost part of the Southern District of Florida. The region that feeds potential jurors to this courthouse is made up of one swing county and four others that are ruby ​​red in their political leanings and that Mr. Trump won by substantial margins in both 2016 and 2020.

He left open the possibility that the trial could be moved, and political leanings are not necessarily indicative of how a jury will decide, but the fact that the trial is expected to draw jurors who live in Republican-leaning places has drawn attention of Mr. Trump allies and Florida court veterans.

“For years, it’s been a very conservative place for plaintiffs’ lawyers,” said John Morgan, a trial lawyer who founded a large personal injury firm. Describing the various counties that feed into Fort Pierce, he said, “It’s solid, solid Trump country.”

With numbers like these, you can imagine how the Deep State will turn into a pretzel trying to move the test to a less “red” zone. The New York Times the piece continues:

In Okeechobee County, a rural county where just over 16,000 people voted in the 2020 election, Mr. Trump won 71.5 percent of the vote, according to the county’s election count. In Highlands County, a rural area where more than 52,000 people voted in that election, Trump won with 66.8 percent of the vote.

In Martin County, where more than 98,000 people voted, Trump won 61.8 percent of the vote. In Indian River County, which contains Vero Beach and where more than 97,000 votes were cast, Mr. Trump won 60.2 percent of the vote.

Only the county of St. Lucie, where about 172,000 votes were cast, is a swing district. Mr. Trump eked out a victory there over President Biden in 2020 with 50.4 percent of the ballots cast, according to the data, and also narrowly won the county in 2016.

Here’s hoping Florida goes through President Trump again. While we all know the charges against him are ridiculous, it is clear that our justice system has been weaponized to attack conservatives, as we have seen with the J6 prisoners and recent cases like Douglass Mackey. Given this current tyranny, President Trump needs every advantage he can muster, as real “justice” is very hard to find in Biden’s America.



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