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Over One-Thrid Of GOP Voters Say They Would Never Vote For Mike Pence

Over One-Thrid Of GOP Voters Say They Would Never Vote For Mike Pence

Over One-Third of GOP Voters Say They Would Never Vote for Mike Pence

Did you know that the Pro Trump News homepage releases 60 new headlines every 24 hours? It’s true, and you can click here to check it out! However, this is terrible news for former Vice President Mike Pence. According to a recent poll, 35% of GOP voters have stated that they would never vote for Pence. In comparison, only 13% of GOP voters said they would never vote for Donald Trump.

An article on Breitbart reported on this significant finding from the latest Fox News survey, which was conducted from June 23 to June 26. The survey asked Republican primary voters to indicate which Republican candidates they would “never” vote for. Among the candidates listed in the survey, Mike Pence emerged as the leader, with 35% of respondents stating they would never vote for him.

Following Pence, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley received 20% of respondents’ “never” votes, while anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott each received 16%. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis garnered 14% of “never” votes, and President Donald Trump surprisingly received 13%.

These figures reveal a significant decline in support for Mike Pence within the GOP. With 35% of Republican primary voters firmly stating they would never vote for him, it raises questions about Pence’s political future and his ability to galvanize the Republican voter base.

It’s worth noting that not long ago, Pence was a highly regarded figure in the Trump administration, serving as Vice President for four years. However, his recent perceived lack of loyalty to Trump and his refusal to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election have seemingly alienated a significant portion of the GOP voter base.

This decline in support for Pence could have far-reaching implications for his political career. If he intends to run for president in 2024 or seek any other significant political office, he will need to work diligently to rebuild his image and regain the support of Republican voters who have turned against him.

Given that Mike Pence is currently polling at a mere 4% in the same survey, it’s evident that he has a long way to go in winning back the trust and confidence of the Republican electorate. Without a strong base of support within his own party, it will be an uphill battle for Pence to establish himself as a viable candidate for any future political endeavors.

This data also sheds light on the current landscape of the Republican Party and the various factions that make it up. The fact that Nikki Haley received the second-highest percentage of “never” votes suggests that there may be a significant distrust of establishment Republicans among certain GOP voters.

On the other hand, the relatively low percentage of “never” votes for Trump could signify his continued influence and popularity within the party. Despite the controversies and divisive rhetoric surrounding his presidency, it appears that a vast majority of Republicans are still willing to support him.

These findings also raise questions about the future direction of the Republican Party. Will it continue to align itself closely with Trump and his brand of politics, or will establishment figures like Pence and Haley regain their footing and offer voters an alternative path?

In conclusion, the latest Fox News survey reveals a significant decline in support for Mike Pence among GOP voters. With over one-third of Republican primary voters stating they would never vote for him, it’s clear that Pence faces an uphill battle if he wishes to remain a central figure in the Republican Party. Additionally, this data provides insights into the current factions within the GOP and the challenges faced by establishment Republicans in a party that remains heavily influenced by Donald Trump.

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