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Third Memo on Biden Bank Records and the Prosecution of Trump ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

The Democrat prosecution of Donald Trump runs cover for Joe Biden. The Left thinks the whole thing is funny, but in fact, it’s evil from the get-go.  The compilation of short videos in this article reveals their hypocrisy and vicious rhetoric in comparison to what Trump said on Jan 6. They are prosecuting Trump for the exact same things they do – and they do it far worse. Today the House Oversight Committee Chair released more Biden Bank records that revealed more millions received from foreign interests. The MSM ignores everything to do with Biden, focusing their entire efforts on the prosecution of Trump.

Biden Bank Records vs Prosecution of Trump

James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee released a third bank memo revealing that the Biden family received at least $20 Million from foreign interests. It’s the third memo- there were two previous ones. Shell companies that played a role in shielding the funds from IRS scrutiny (called money laundering), and funds from oligarchs in Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan.  That’s not even counting the money connections to China that Hunter himself admitted to in court.

First Bank Records Memorandum

Second Bank Records Memorandum

Third Bank Records Memorandum

Committee staff is releasing a Third Bank Records Memorandum to apprise Majority Members of the ongoing investigation of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. On March 16, 2023, staff issued the first memorandum (First Bank Records Memorandum), highlighting the Biden family’s use of the Robinson Walker, LLC account to receive money from a certain Chinese entity. On May 10, 2023, staff issued a second memorandum (Second Bank Records
Memorandum), which focused on the Bidens’ business dealings in Romania and additional information regarding their partnership with Chinese entities closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This Third Bank Records Memorandum serves to inform Members of the Biden family’s relationships with certain foreign entities and individuals in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. The Committee has subpoenaed six different banks and received thousands of records in response. The Committee’s subpoenas were tailored to specific individuals and companies that engaged in business activities with Biden family members and their business associates. The Committee has not yet subpoenaed bank records of members of the Biden family.

Committee staff will continue to release memoranda as new information is uncovered. House Oversight Committee

So here we are – the prosecution of Trump takes center stage while the Bidens continue to be protected by the media. Today I sent a “tweet” to our local news organization to tell them that if they want to be true journalists, they should cover both sides and balance it. Because they are connected to NBC, the narrative is completely one sided (as it is on all network stations). The gleeful prosecution of Trump from NBC versus the truth about the Biden family. Bucking the system could get one of them fired, but someone has to be the first to step forward.

Donald Trump telling supporters to “Fight like hell” on Jan 6 is simply first amendment free speech. From Pelosi to Schumer, the Democrats have said far worse things and never once were prosecuted for incitement. Trump’s rougher rhetoric has nothing to do with what is actually going on. As one Twitter user put it, people are being “led by the nose” with the prosecution of Trump.

100% – & this is why, despite what anyone thinks of DJT personally, they should understand they’re being led by the nose. The reason these people (NancyChuck & Co.) are terrified & should be? This right here:

— LoudMouse 🐭 (@creepymouse) August 8, 2023



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