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The truth about Obama’s family finally comes out

With the exception of Donald Trump, all living US presidents had at least one ancestor who owned slaves, according to a Reuters analysis.

The genealogies of “America’s political elite” were revealed by Reuters on Tuesday, and it was discovered that President Joe Biden and all of his living predecessors are descended from people who owned black people as slaves.

Even Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president, comes from a white mother’s family and is descended from a slave owner.

According to Reuters, the following US presidents have slave ancestors:

George Bush: Six generations ago, a director ancestor owned 25 slaves.
Bill Clinton: Five generations ago, a director ancestor owned a slave.
Jimmy Carter: Four generations ago, a director ancestor owned 54 slaves.
Barack Obama: Six generations ago, a director ancestor owned two slaves.
Joe Biden: Five generations ago, a direct ancestor owned a slave.

Senators and judges are also on the list.

In addition, 100 members of Congress, 11 governors, and two Supreme Court justices were also found to be directly descended from slave owners.

At least 28% of Republicans and 8% of Democrats now serving in Congress can trace their ancestry to slaveholders.

They include Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, as well as Democrats like Tammy Duckworth and Elizabeth Warren.

“The preponderance of Republicans reflects the strength of the party in the South, where slavery was concentrated. Although whites enslaved blacks in northern states in early America, on the eve of the Civil War, slavery was almost entirely a southern enterprise,” the Reuters report stated.

All US presidents have extensive ancestry in the country, but according to a Reuters article, Trump’s ancestors arrived in the country only after slavery was outlawed in 1865.

An interesting fact is that none of Trump’s grandparents were born in the US. His paternal grandparents immigrated to the US in the early 1900s; they were from the small German town of Kallstadt. In accordance with Business Insiderhis mother, Mary, was born in Scotland.

In order to identify the ancestry of the political elite, Reuters claimed to have gathered tens of thousands of pieces of information from thousands of pages of papers.

They claimed that they only looked at evidence of slaveholding that took place after the founding of the US reporters, who focused on family trees that included distant cousins ​​rather than investigating direct lineal descendants of the ‘current aristocracy.


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