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The producer of ‘Sound of Freedom’, Eduardo Verástegui, announces his candidacy to be the next president of Mexico

(LifeSiteNews) — Eduardo Verástegui — a devout Catholic recognized worldwide as a pro-life and human rights leader, movie star and producer — has officially declared his candidacy to become the next president of Mexico.

Verástegui, the producer and promoter of this summer’s great success Sound of Freedoma film that brought the issue of child sex trafficking to the attention of the Western world, announced your registration to run as an independent candidate on social media Thursday night.

“It is a fact. it’s time After a period of discernment, I made the most important decision of my life”, wrote Verástegui in a publication X. “I have just registered at the INE [Instituto Nacional Electoral] my intention as an aspiring independent candidate for the presidency of the Mexican Republic, for the elections of June 2, 2024”.

“My fight is for life. My fight is for freedom,” he declared.

“It’s time to remove the same as always from power. Our country needs a new way of doing politics, to eradicate corruption and impunity. We are on time! Let’s go with everything, for our Mexico!”.

“The political class has not only destroyed the economy, the environment and jobs, but they also want to destroy the institution of the family, destroy our values ​​and pervert your children.” said See a previous video. “Now they want to destroy our faith, taking God out of our homes, out of our schools and out of our lives.”

“Let’s build the Mexican dream together,” he urged. “We dream big. I dream of a Mexico that allows God to be the center of our nation.”

Verástegui, 49, was born in Xicoténcatl, Mexico, and was raised in a devout Catholic home. After a brief stint in law school, he moved to Mexico City to pursue a career in the arts. He started out as a model, was recruited as a singer for a successful boy band, and then became a major TV star. His big dream, however, was to become a Hollywood actor. A chance meeting with a casting director at 20th Century Fox studios led to a Spanish-speaking role in a Hollywood film and his move to Los Angeles, where he began learning English.

Verástegui had long since abandoned the practice of his faith, but his English teacher gently but persistently encouraged him to return. In a 2009 interview with The Osservatore RomanoVerástegui described how his teacher asked him questions about his faith, his career, how he used his talents and what he would do to combat Hollywood’s stereotypes of Latinos:

I tried to avoid answering them, but for six months he persisted with patience and love and finally asked me directly: ‘Do you really love God, Eduardo? Then why do you offend him in the way you live?’ After that I broke down and cried like a baby for hours. I went to confession and promised God that I would dedicate my life to Him and that I would never again accept roles that would compromise my Catholic faith or offend my family or my Latino culture.

Decided on this course, Verástegui started his own film production company, Metanoia Films. Her first film, a story about a cook who begs a pregnant colleague not to have an abortion, was called beautifulwho won the Audience Choice Awards at the Toronto Film Festival in 2006. He also won a Smithsonian Latino Center Award for Positive Contribution to Culture. Best of all, this saved his life of hundreds of unborn children.


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