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The private search engine that does NOT use data from Google or Bing

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

There are many search engines these days that claim to protect your privacy, with being the most popular alternative to Google and Microsoft’s Bing.

But the problem with these privacy-oriented alternative search engines is that they still use data and search results from Google or Bing ( uses Bing), so even if your search is private, it doesn’t solve the problem. censorship where Google and Bing use algorithms to decide which results to display for your search.

The only search engine I’ve found so far that creates its own dataset and does NOT use Google or Bing is Gigablast.

Gigablast was founded in 2000 by Matt Wells.

Founded in 2000, Gigablast was created by Matt Wells to index hundreds of billions of pages with as little hardware as possible. Gigablast provides large-scale, high-performance, real-time information retrieval technology and services for partner sites. The company offers a variety of features, including topic generation and the ability to index multiple document formats. This search delivery mechanism provides a partner with turnkey search capability and the ability to instantly deliver search with maximum scalability at minimal cost. Clients range from NASDAQ 100 listed corporations to boutique firms.

Gigablast is one of the few search engines in the United States that maintains its own search index of over one billion pages. (Source.)

Here’s more about Gigablast:

A little about Gigablast

Many people think that there are tons of search engines, but this is a huge misconception. In the US there’s really only Google and Bing. Almost all other search engines only use the Bing API to provide search results (and query completions and spelling correction) to their website. You can check this search engine comparison on Wikipedia for more information. I’m not sure why duckduckgo and Qwant are there because they use Bing according to this list of search engines.

I’ve been working on Gigablast since 2000. Mostly just myself. It’s coded in C. It’s technically in C++, but I really only use the C++ class structure, as I find the rest of C++ more confusing than useful. Maybe it’s a matter of taste, as I grew up using EDTASM and Basic on the color computer in the 1980s in Ohio.

Right now, Gigablast basically runs on 0 computers if you compare its hardware to Big Tech search engines. This is something that has to change. Gigablast’s search algorithms will undoubtedly undergo further tweaks and speedups, but at this point the hardware issue is the most important. That is, the biggest improvement in quality and speed will come from adding more hardware. You can view the Gigablast data center here.

It would be nice if the legislation that is circulating becomes law to allow other people besides Big Tech the chance to do a successful business. You can see that the advantages that Google has over others are monumental, partly due to platform control (clustering) and network effects. I think it could beat Google on technical merits. That is, I think it could provide a significantly better search experience for the consumer, but the obstacles they’ve built over the years from their immense power are too great to overcome simply by writing better code. At this point, search technology is stagnating at the hands of Big Tech.

Why Google will never compete

1. Google has the US government under its spell. Google will just avoid any attempt at government regulation as easily as it avoids paying its fair share of income taxes.
2. Google query logs measuring billions of queries every week are used to build synonyms for future searches. This creates an unsurpassed network effect.
3. Many websites and services like Cloudflare and Cloudfront make it difficult for non-Google search engines to crawl the web. This is also somewhat of a network effect.
4. Google has the deep pockets to buy the hardware to build and maintain the largest search index.
5. Google does not allow other small search engines to crawl Youtube at the rate required to create an effective video search product.
6. Google’s monopoly on search ads allows it to monetize search traffic far more than any potential competitor. It doesn’t allow competing engines to monetize through Google search ads. (I’m told that Ads for Google Search (AFS) is available, but it’s not as good and it’s not the same.)

So Google likes to say that the competition is just a click away, but no matter how many times you click your mouse, those obstacles not only remain, they grow every year. (Source.)

Gigablast is also the engine behind, launched in 2020, which claims to be the only private search engine that offers cryptographically secure privacy.

Gigablast has teamed up with Private Internet Access (now Kape Technologies), which operates some of the world’s leading VPNs, to produce a private search engine called, which offers cryptographically secure privacy.

This private search engine is unique and is another level above existing private search solutions. How it works? Private Internet Access has a strong legal record of defending its privacy services and basically sits on top of the Gigablast search engine, scrubbing any IP address information before forwarding a query made to private. sh in Gigablast.

Additionally, the client-side javascript in encrypts any query made to so that only Gigablast can read it. Therefore, neither party has access to both the IP address and the query. This is truly unique and truly powerful, and right now only can provide this level of privacy.

Other “private” search engines have access to both your IP and your query, and who knows who their people actually work for. (Source.)

Although has a cleaner interface, I still like because it has more features. For example, in the settings, you can choose “Show banned results”.

There are also links to search for results based on Bing data and the home page for results based on Google data.

If you want to see the difference in results between Gigablast and Google and Bing, go to, make sure Show Banned Results is turned on, then search for “covid vaccine bioweapon”.

Then click on “home page (Google)” and “duckduckgo (Bing)” and compare the differences in results.

Gigablast is a great tool that I will be using more and more…

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Posted on February 11, 2023

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