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The fix is ​​for the FTX/Ukraine money laundering operation: new evidence, old politics, same crimes

Evidence-based analysis of Ukraine began a long time ago in 2018 and even earlier. The vectors of the investigation preceded the first of two fraudulent impeachments, a “pandemic” of corporate fraud, a stolen 2020 election, the impeachment of a sitting US president, the installation of a Chinese proxy in the ‘Executive, the start of a manufactured war in Ukraine. , another round of stolen elections in 2022 and more.

The pre-FTX Ukraine analysis resulted in unique positions in the energy sector that are not yet occupied by others and that work put Joe Biden squarely in the spotlight. I followed Biden around the world, examining him in the context of energy as a channel to launder and move money. This analysis was imperative to the FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried money laundering operation because of the unique lens it provided into accurately understanding the nature of this outrageous crime of enormous proportions.

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The aggregate work in Ukraine, which I called “the keystone of corruption,” and the FTX/Sam Bankman Fried money laundering operation are in a 22-article series; this is 23. To really understand the contextual background of everything going back to the regime change operations in Ukraine by the Obama/Biden/Clinton/Kerry/Nuland cartel and the intelligence community, read the second article in this series: The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi [on Substack].

For a more complete understanding of Ukraine, my series on WAR, FAMINE AND DISEASE is available, currently with 103 articles. The point is that Ukraine is the epicenter of corruption, crime and betrayal for a globalist cartel that has done an outstanding job of installing a one world government imposed by Marxist communism and under the direction of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.

As soon as I began the analysis in FTX, I took the position that there was a solution and that efforts were being made to direct the inevitable circumstances to the most desirable landing site, understanding that avoiding them all together was a impossibility Simply put, the theft of billions from a million or so investors cannot be ignored, and the only way to navigate these unavoidable circumstances is to open a criminal investigation with a committed and controlled judiciary in charge of operations of concealment and cleaning. . In the end, the American taxpayer will foot that bill.

The existing evidence in the FTX series is augmented by new developments that clearly indicate that the solution is underway and that cover-up and clean-up operations are underway.

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We begin with the manipulation of Americans, and their attention spans courtesy of the mainstream propaganda machine.

There are important developments since the last FTX article was published and they include:

January 13: January 23: Sam Bankman-Fried’s secret ‘backdoor’ discovered, FTX lawyer says: “Sam Bankman-Fried ordered his FTX co-founder Gary Wang to create a backdoor” secret” to allow his Alameda trading firm to borrow $65 billion in customer money from the exchange without his permission, a Delaware bankruptcy court was told Wednesday. Wang was told to set up a “backdoor, a secret way for Alameda to borrow from exchange customers without permission,” said FTX attorney Andrew Dietderich. “Mr. Wang created this backdoor by inserting a single number into millions of lines of code for the exchange, creating a line of credit from FTX to Alameda, which the customers did not consent to,” he added. “And we know the size of that line of credit. It was $65 billion.” […] And in November, Reuters cited unnamed sources who said Bankman-Fried had moved $10 billion between the two companies, with another $2 billion still unaccounted for. Dietderich told the court that with the $65 billion back door, Alameda “bought planes, houses, threw parties, made political donations.” 26 Jan 23: Lawyers seek to question Bankman-Fried’s parents about their wealth; Goldman, JPM revealed as FTX’s creditors: “Attention now turns to its ‘effectively altruistic’ parents.” According to a bankruptcy court filing by FTX, SBF’s parents must be forced to respond questions and provide financial documents about their personal wealth and money they may have gotten from the 30-year-old con artist.As Bloomberg notes, FTX asked a judge for permission to question Bankman-Fried’s family and a handful under oath of former senior executives of the company. as part of a search for hidden assets that could be used to pay off creditors owed billions of dollars. Or not so hidden: As a reminder in November, it was revealed that the disgraced “progressive” fathers of the SBF: Stanford University law professors Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried (who in their bio says that ” has written extensively on issues of distributive justice, in the “areas of tax policy, property theory, and political theory,” which apparently means using the money stolen from his son to buy himself beachfront mansions) – bought at least one 16.4 million dollars Beachfront “vacation home” in the Bahamian gated community of Old Fort Bay. The court filing shows “the aggressive approach that FTX’s advisors are taking to recover the money that Bankman-Fried improperly handed over.” The company was heavily involved in lobbying politicians and regulators and making campaign donations to Democrats and the White House. Federal prosecutors charged Bankman-Fried with fraud for its role in the collapse of FTX, which filed for bankruptcy in November.”

Also in January and suspiciously, SBF lawyers moved to keep confidential the identities of “the two non-parent guarantors who have agreed to sign appearance bonds on behalf of Mr. Bankman-Fried.” Here are the relevant court documents:

More recent reports state that, “A federal court may reveal the identities of the bail sponsors who helped the parents of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried secure his release on $250 million bond as he awaits the trial on charges he defrauded investors before the collapse of his cryptocurrency empire. On January 30, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan of the Southern District of New York ruled in favor of a motion filed by several news organizations that argued that the disclosure of the two mysterious bail sponsors would serve the public interest given their close ties to a number of prominent financial figures and politicians.”

Of course, SBF is appealing the ruling: “Attorneys for the FTX founder appealed a judge’s decision to disclose the two non-parental co-signers of his $250 million bond, according to a court filing Tuesday “.

What are the chances that SBF’s non-parent endorsements derive directly from or have clear and distinct ties to the political class? 100%?

That would be a safe bet.

Here’s why.

This is the new development that guarantees the accuracy of the analysis that the FTX fix is ​​at stake. It sums up succinctly with this: “The now-bankrupt company is trying to recoup political donations and other expenses that were made under former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried.”

Sam Bankman-Fried is the second largest political donor to Democratic politicians and causes, and Joe Biden is her largest beneficiary. This is basic math calculated with the exact equation I have already painstakingly outlined and proven: Biden has sent his attorney general, Merrick Garland, to steer wildly expensive and inevitable circumstances into a best-case scenario landing spot. His official Sam Bankman-Fried learned in the Bahamas that if he doesn’t play ball and toughen up, he’ll rot in a foreign prison infested with rats and maggots reminiscent of Papillon.

Accordingly, SBF enthusiastically welcomed his extradition to the US and it was no doubt a negotiated deal guaranteeing leniency in sentencing in exchange for his cooperation and acquiescence with his powerful handlers. I have already covered this specifically in the series.

According to the report, “the FTX debtors and the company had sent “confidential messages to political figures, political action funds and other recipients of contributions or other payments made by the FTX debtors, Samuel Bankman-Fried or others under the direction of the same. officers or directors of the FTX debtors” requesting the return of the funds. “These recipients are requested to return these funds to FTX debtors by February 28, 2023,” the statement said.

This engineered recovery of FTX will allow the corrupt American politburo, which includes Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and new Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, to claim innocence and plausible deniability by saying, “We didn’t know that the FTX’s donations were dirty money, so he did the right thing and gave it back.” For anyone who thinks I have waterfront property in Kentucky that I would like to sell you.

For anyone looking to identify a barometer indicating our proximity to a thermonuclear World War III, look no further than the discovery of the truth regarding Ukraine and the Biden regime, knowing that in the middle of it all is Sam Bankman- Fried, FTX, and the Ukrainian money laundering operation.

Here’s the analysis you probably won’t find anywhere else, and it’s simple: 1-As it cuts through the Bidens and Ukraine, the COVID-19 narrative has completely unraveled and is a monumentally problematic issue for the US politburo and federal apparatus and 2-the closer we get to the truth no varnish on COVID-19, massive money laundering operations in Ukraine that have benefited the US Politburo, China, Ukraine, Trump, Twitter and the balance of this long list of crimes against humanity, THE CLOSER WE GET TO WAR.

War is the only thing that has the ability to erase all the worries and trials that precede it. If all the evidence of corruption, crime and betrayal is clearly laid out on the blackboard for all to see, war is your classroom teacher grabbing the eraser and making it disappear just as the alarm goes off. ‘fire to send everyone into a panic.

This illegitimate administration is desperate to maintain control as everything crumbles around them and we are in very dangerous times. Make no mistake about it. If necessary, they will absolutely pull the war fire alarm.

political month

As I’ve been saying for years, pull the thread out of Ukraine and it all unravels. Ukraine is the “keystone of corruption” that extends to treason and Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX are central to it all.


Quick: Do It Before Biden ‘Fixes’ Your Retirement Plan Next…

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