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The Artificial Woman – by Megha Lillywhite

There is a poem by Pushkin called The unfortunate knight. It is about a gentleman who finds his nobility against the image of the immaculate woman, the perfect woman She is worthy enough that the Knight will save the world just for her. This story is not new, nor does it belong only to the canon of Russian literature. It can also be read in Dante’s The Divine Comedy where Dante, he follows Beatrice, the perfect woman and symbol of faith through the sordid circles of hell, finally to heaven, since only she can guide him. The parallels to the cult of the Virgin Mary and the innocent maiden in chivalric myths are not accidental.

In a way, the spirit of the perfect woman is crucial for humanity to ennoble itself and pursue noble spiritual ends. Mircea Eliade points to his book The Sacred and the Profane that the purpose of “the sacred” in man’s life is to provide a guiding anchor from which he can order the hierarchy of his world. Without this hierarchy, the chaos of infinite relativism would drive a man mad. Why would it be worth fighting for? What would be the purpose of their power and ambition?

However, both leftists and traditionalists have deconstructed the woman down to her components and, in the process, have missed her soul. To lefties, woman is a concentration of estrogen in the bloodstream, a set of breasts made of silicon or not, a make-up regimen and a pronoun. For traditionalists, the woman is a biological window, a series of eggs in the ovaries, an artificial womb, mammary glands to feed a child, a maid to clean the home and cook. Both moves desecrate the essence of a woman who has the power to inspire: her humanity.

“The Legend of Saint George: The Rescue” by Maximilian Liebenwein (1903)

Woman for sale

Fantine earned too little. His debts had increased. The Thénardiers, who were not promptly paid, were constantly writing her letters, the content of which made her despair, and the carriage of which ruined her. One day they wrote to her that her little Cosette was completely naked in that cold weather, that she needed a woolen skirt, and that her mother should send at least ten francs for it. He received the letter and crushed it in his hands all day. That evening he went into a barbershop on the corner of the street and took out his comb. Her admirable golden hair fell to her knees.

“What splendid hair!” exclaimed the barber.

— How much will you give me for this? she said

“Be frank.”

“Cut it out.”

– Fantine sells her hair in Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Both traditionalists and leftists have very material ideas about what a woman does. As such, both have contributed to a culture where every part of a woman can be bought and sold. When we dismantle a piece of womanhood and put it up for sale, we sacrifice any opportunity for her to be a Beatrice as in the Divine Comedy, or an inspiring maiden as in chivalric myths, because these roles require a woman to be whole and her most noble

A woman’s breasts can be bought from a surgeon, her hair can be cut and sold, her beauty reproduced with make-up and fillers, her skin soft with estrogen and her clothes in department stores. A woman’s uterus can be rented by anyone who can pay for a surrogate, and her eggs can be bought at a premium. The gay man buys one or some of these “woman parts”, but the trans “woman” tries to buy them all, combine them into a Frankenstein concoction, and then call herself a woman.

While the ways in which leftists buy and sell the components of women as trans women, prostitutes, or surrogates for gay men, there are many ways in which traditionalists also engage in the same crime. Both men and women who embrace the online extremism known as “traditionalism” see women as just bellies and breasts. A woman’s worth comes down to her fertility for “right wing” people. She is simply a vehicle to bring children into the world. It’s a pair of hands to cook meals and clean the house. It is a pair of breasts to feed the baby. She is a pretty face to delight her husband. Although these qualities are not individually egregious, reducing a woman to any or even all of these is an insult to her humanity in the same way that prostitution or surrogacy is.

That’s because none of these qualities have anything to do with her soul i Who is she. To value a woman only for this set of functions she performs is not to value her at all, but these functions. One pair of breasts can be replaced by another, one uterus by another, a set of hands to clean oneself by another. There can be no possibility love unless there is a whole and irreplaceable soul involved, and without love, there can be no genuine family, no genuine inspiration for noble purposes. Leftists and right-wing traditionalists alike reduce a woman’s value to her transactional capacity, and as such they can never love a woman, nor achieve what only the love of a woman can inspire a man to do.

Trad and Trans: two sides of the same coin

A notable reaction to the feminist movement has been the “return to traditionalism” meme, which stands out in line with the name “trad”. Women who use this label rightly reject many of the degeneracies of the left, including promiscuity, homosexuality, atheism, and aversion to having children. Instead, they embrace a set of caricatures of traditionalism that includes religiosity, favoring family over career, and a prioritization of domesticity and “traditional gender roles.”

Caricatures cater wonderfully to people online, but translate poorly to the nuanced vicissitudes of real life. For example, young women who follow the caricature of “traditionalism” are led to believe that participating in any activity not directly related to being a mother and homemaker is somehow masculinizing. They neglect their education, hobbies they might enjoy, careers they might want to pursue, and general self-development because they think it’s not “feminine.”

The trad movement arises to some extent for the same reasons as the trans movement. In both, the individual is confused about what a woman is. For trans women, being a woman is doing housework, and for trans women, being a woman is wearing dresses and skirts. Despite the outward appearance of wholesomeness of the traditional movement, it is as plagued with materialism as the left. A woman is not less than one because she has no children, is not married, or is not beautiful. This is crucial, because this definition still does not include biological males. The definition of a woman is simply a human being born with two X chromosomes. It is far more productive for women to consider what might make her noble, graceful, or admirable rather than focusing on the bare minimum of what women have always done .

Men and women have different desires in general, and women prefer working with people to machines. Most women are happier when they are married with children and take on more domestic and childcare roles in a relationship. These are truths that transcend culture and time, which feminism tries to ignore. However, this does not limit women to these activities alone that distinguish them from men.

If a woman starts learning martial arts, she doesn’t suddenly transform into a man. The right-wing women’s discouragement from pursuing education in any hobby that is “masculine” stems from their belief that such pursuits will “masculinize” her. The traditional woman thinks that reading a book will turn her into a man. The trans person thinks that wearing a dress and buying breast implants will turn a man into a woman. Both the trad and trans movements are confused about what a woman does because both have reduced her to her utilitarian and expendable parts.

Archetype not caricature

The maiden, the inspiring woman at the center of the story of the unfortunate knight, and of every hero story, is a human being. He is an archetype, not a caricature. An archetype is a fundamental core of a being, from which many different derivatives arise. For example, there is an archetype of a noblewoman, who has a certain set of qualities that all noblewomen have, but all noblewomen may nevertheless have been noble in their own idiosyncratic ways. Snow White and Cinderella are different characters but they share a nobility of character that unites them under the archetype of the Fairy Tale Princess.

A caricature is a superficial caricature that exaggerates one or more traits in order to ridicule or show them off. A caricature of a woman is executed by the traditionalist right wing, the leftist woman and the trans woman. Each of these caricatures takes a female trait, exaggerates it to the point of ridiculousness, and presents the shallowest version of a human being.

They punish themselves by doing this because no matter how much the caricature is carried, they are still a human being with multiple dimensions of humanity. As such, life will put her in a position where the caricature can no longer hold her and the illusion cracks. This might look like the traditional wife who feels uncomfortable being treated as a replaceable housework machine, the prostitute who wants to be loved for more than her body, the trans “woman” whose dysphoria just won’t go away never

For the girl to be the fair maiden who inspires the brave knights, she must be more than a caricature made of component utilitarian parts; it must be human.

Once upon a time there was an unfortunate knight,

taciturn, withdrawn,

Pale-faced, stern-faced,

Bold in spirit, generous in thought

He had a vision

Unfathomable and daring

Mark an impression

Deep in his soul

Around his neck a string of beads

As a talisman wounded,

And behind the grille of a steel visor

His face was hidden forever.

Full of selfless love,

Faithful to the beatific vision

AMD in blood

One of his shield wrote


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