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SPLC ‘Intel’ Source Cited by FBI Targeting Catholics as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ – Turns Out They Were Funded by Blackrock Antifa All Along – The Donald – America First

SPLC ‘Intel’ Source Cited by FBI Targeting Catholics as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ – Turns Out They Were Funded by Blackrock Antifa All Along – The Donald – America First

If that 1.2% would simply and finally admit to all their CRIMES, and stop whining about “”MUH SIX BAZILLIONS”” that never happened, it would go a long way to unleashing the entire world…

But there it is, there it lies, the whole world screwed up because of a people who LIE about being the chosen ones, when the truth is they are as fake as breast implants on males….

Jesus was right about EVERYTHING, the den of vipers, the children of the devil himself, no truth was to be found with them….

And now we see the truth finally rise to the top like the cream does in Fresh Milk…

109 Countries, and many Towns and Counties, and you are claiming that THEY ARE NOT the problem???

If I had a kid who got kicked out of more than two schools, I would see him as a trouble maker, not the schools, 109+++++….

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