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Six more nations join the BRICS

Six more nations join the BRICS

The BRICS economic bloc, a powerful association of emerging economies, is expanding its influence with the addition of six new nations. The coalition, initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will now welcome Iran, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

This major expansion comes as the BRICS seek to further strengthen their economic influence and political influence on the global stage. By incorporating countries with diverse economic interests and political orientations, the bloc positions itself as an influential alternative to Western alliances.

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The expansion of the BRICS can be seen as an attempt to challenge Western dominance in global economics and politics. It can create a more multipolar world where power is more evenly distributed, potentially upsetting existing international norms and alliances.

“We are already in a post-American and post-Western world. We are in a truly multipolar world. We are in a world where the BRICS countries are bigger than the G7 countries.” – Jeffrey Sachs

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The addition of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other nations to the BRICS economic bloc represents a significant evolution in international relations. By embracing diverse economies and political systems, the BRICS can alter the global balance of power, offering an alternative to Western-led alliances.

The move may also provoke a response from Western nations, who might perceive this as a change in the global order. It’s a development that demands attention and could shape the future of global politics and economics for years to come.

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